Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 22 77.2

line true false branch
36 1 2 $seen{$_}++ ? :
84 0 36 unless $col->isa('Class::DBI::Column')
90 0 8 if ref $name
91 1 7 unless $$self{'_allcol'}{lc $name}
104 4 15 if $group eq 'All' || $group eq 'Essential' and not $self->group_cols('Primary')
107 0 19 if $group eq 'All' and not $self->essential
110 1 18 if $group eq 'Essential'
130 0 44 if $group eq 'All'
131 15 29 unless $$self{'_groups'}{$group}
179 0 24 if (not wantarray and @cols > 1)
192 9 2 unless @cols