Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 128 168 76.1

line true false branch
40 0 17 if $@
57 1 61 if (my $table = eval { do { (@{$class . '::ISA';})[0]->table } })
69 1 2 ref $s ? :
80 36 16 unless my($col) = grep({$_ eq $name;} $class->columns('All'))
91 2 112631 ref $s ? :
95 110023 2610 if $Class::DBI::Lite::Live_Objects{$key}
101 2475 135 if ($Class::DBI::Lite::Weaken_Is_Available and not $is_void_context) { }
166 1140 25 if $newval eq $s->{$col}
181 1 2446 unless exists $s->{$col}
182 1165 1282 @_ ? :
193 0 18 unless @DSN
205 10295 0 unless ($s->db_Main->{'AutoCommit'} and $s->root_meta->has_slaves)
211 0 0 $s->root_meta->has_slaves ? :
245 0 0 if $trace
259 17 1 unless ($Class::DBI::Lite::root_metas->{$meta_key})
325 12897 105 if (my $type = shift @_) { }
327 2 12895 unless $ok_types{$type}
328 4 12891 if (my(@cols) = @_) { }
360 0 10122 if (my $data = $s->_call_triggers('before_retrieve', $id))
368 0 10122 unless $obj
379 4 1253 ref $_[0] ? :
383 2533 1251 if exists $data->{$_}
386 1 1256 ref $s ? :
397 2525 1256 if defined $pre_obj->{$_}
412 0 1256 if ($s->_meta->trace)
420 0 1256 unless my $id = $s->get_last_insert_id
431 1256 0 if $new_obj->{'__Changed'}
443 0 20 wantarray ? :
445 1 19 if (my $trans_error = $@) { }
448 0 1 if (my $rollback_error = $@) { }
464 0 19 wantarray ? :
473 1 1278 unless ref $s
475 1272 6 unless eval { do { keys %{$$s{'__Changed'};} } }
494 0 5 if ($s->_meta->trace)
520 1 204 unless ref $s
528 0 203 if ($s->_meta->trace)
572 2 0 wantarray ? :
581 10237 32 $sql ? :
584 0 10269 if ($s->_meta->trace)
603 5 10284 ref $s ? :
621 99960 61 if (@cached)
640 110234 76 if (wantarray) { }
668 0 2 if ($s->_meta->trace)
710 0 1 if ($s->_meta->trace)
731 51 2 ref $_[0] ? :
732 51 2 ref $_[0] ? :
733 49 4 $attr ? :
734 49 4 $attr ? :
735 49 4 $attr ? :
750 6 0 unless ($where and keys %$where)
758 0 12 unless $attr->{$_}
764 3 3 $page_number == 1 ? :
766 6 0 $attr ? :
772 0 6 $total < $page_size ? :
774 0 6 ref $s ? :
793 0 3 unless $args
796 0 6 unless $args->{$_}
803 0 6 unless $attr->{$_}
809 1 2 $page_number == 1 ? :
817 0 3 $total < $page_size ? :
823 0 3 ref $s ? :
848 15 2 ref $_[0] ? :
851 6 11 if (keys %$where == 1 and (keys %$where)[0] eq '1' and (values %$where)[0] eq '1') { }
862 0 17 if ($s->_meta->trace)
886 2 12 if (my($obj) = $s->search(%args))
895 0 14 if ($@)
940 19 3 unless $args
948 121 2 ref $_[0] ? :
971 0 2 unless my($item) = $otherClass->search($fk, $s->id)
978 0 0 ref $_[0] ? :
992 0 65 unless ref $handler eq 'CODE'
997 1 64 if grep {$_ eq $handler;} @$handlers
1009 22056 101236 unless my(@handlers) = @{$s->_meta->{'triggers'}{$event};}
1015 100000 1271 if (wantarray) { }
1017 0 100000 unless eval { do { my(@val) = &$handler($s, @_); push @return_values, @val if @val; 1 } }
1019 99960 40 if @val
1025 3 1268 unless eval { do { $return_value = &$handler($s, @_); 1 } }
1032 100000 1233 wantarray ? :
1040 1 19 if $s->db_Main->{'AutoCommit'}
1058 100040 2 if (my $id = shift()) { }
1060 0 100040 ref $s ? :
1110 30 94 unless ($INC{$file})
1141 0 1 if ($s->_meta->trace)
1160 1 3861 if ($s->{'__Changed'} and keys %{$$s{'__Changed'};})