Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 21 102 20.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
1073 13 0 2 scalar @_ and defined $_[0]
13 2 0 scalar @_ and defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] eq 'Class::Classless::CALLSTATE::SHIMMY'
1089 15 0 0 defined $$it{'ISA_CACHE'} and ref $$it{'ISA_CACHE'}
1108 0 28 10 not defined $no_fail and exists $$lineage[$i]{'NO_FAIL'}
1117 0 23 15 ref($$lineage[$i]{'METHODS'} || 0) and exists $$lineage[$i]{'METHODS'}{$m}
1122 1 1 13 defined $v and ref $v
1179 0 0 0 defined $_[0]{'ISA_CACHE'} and ref $_[0]{'ISA_CACHE'}
1207 0 0 92 defined($current = shift @in_stack) and ref $current
0 0 92 defined($current = shift @in_stack) and ref $current and ref($$current{'PARENTS'} || 0)
1257 0 0 75 defined($current = shift @in_stack) and ref $current
1269 0 20 67 defined $_ && ref $_ && $last_child{$_} eq $current
1308 0 0 0 ref($$o{'METHODS'} || 0) and exists $$o{'METHODS'}{$m}
1341 0 0 0 ref $_[0] and ref $_[1]
1371 0 0 0 @stuff && defined $stuff[0] && ref $stuff[0] eq 'Class::Classless::PRETTYENV'
1379 0 0 0 defined $_ and ref $_ eq 'Class::Classless::X'
0 0 0 defined $_ and ref $_ eq 'Class::Classless::X' and $$_{'NAME'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1109 0 10 $$lineage[$i]{'NO_FAIL'} || 0
1117 38 0 $$lineage[$i]{'METHODS'} || 0
1146 0 0 $no_fail or 0
1207 92 0 $$current{'PARENTS'} || 0
1269 75 0 $$current{'PARENTS'} || 0
1308 0 0 $$o{'METHODS'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1078 0 0 0 $$it{'NAME'} || $it
1105 0 0 0 $$lineage[$i]{'NAME'} || $$lineage[$i]
1111 0 0 0 $$lineage[$i]{'NAME'} || $$lineage[$i]
1147 0 0 0 $$it{'NAME'} || $it
1153 0 0 0 $$it{'NAME'} || $it
1188 0 0 0 $_[0]{'NAME'} || $_[0]
1283 0 0 0 $_[0]{'NAME'} || $_[0]
1304 0 0 0 $$it{'NAME'} || $it
1320 0 0 0 $_[0]{'NAME'} || $_[0]
1325 0 0 0 $_[0]{'NAME'} || $_[0]
1342 0 0 0 $_[0]{'NAME'} || $_[0]
0 0 0 $_[1]{'NAME'} || $_[1]
1389 0 0 0 $_ eq '0' or /^-?(?:[1-9]\d*)$/s
1438 0 0 0 $$_{'NAME'} || $_