Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 34 88.2

line true false branch
79 18 3 if (defined $base and $base eq '-base')
142 7 14 if (defined $$self{'match_only'})
143 6 1 unless ref $$self{'match_only'}
149 7 0 if defined $$self{'match_only'}
157 2 45 if (reftype $declaration eq 'CODE') { }
227 18 0 if (blessed $class or not ref $class and $class =~ /^[:\w]+$/)
228 12 6 if $class->isa('Class::AutoGenerate')
254 18 0 if (blessed $class or not ref $class and $class =~ /^[:\w]+$/)
255 12 6 if $class->isa('Class::AutoGenerate')
263 12 6 exists $INC{$package_file} ? :
277 34 70 if (defined $$self{'match_only'})
279 3 31 unless grep {$self->_match_requiring($module, $_);} @{$$self{'match_only'};}
293 86 166 if ($self->_match_requiring($module, $$rule[0]))
299 1 85 if ($@ eq "NEXT_RULE\n") { }
1 84 elsif ($@ eq "LAST_RULE\n") { }
0 84 elsif ($@) { }
361 117 194 if ($module =~ /$pattern/) { }