Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 64 67.1

line true false branch
123 29 0 unless $opts{'exclude'}
125 18 11 if ($origin->isa('Chemistry::Bond'))
137 0 178 if $DEBUG
141 0 305 if exists $exclude{$nei}
142 0 305 if $DEBUG
143 149 156 if ($paths{$nei}) { }
153 0 149 if $DEBUG
158 123 26 if ($paths{$nei}[1] ne $paths{$a}[1] and $size >= $min_size and !$max_size || $size <= $max_size) { }
162 0 123 if $DEBUG
164 0 123 if $DEBUG
166 65 58 if ($used_end_nodes{$atoms[1]} and not $opts{'mirror'})
167 0 65 if $DEBUG
172 15 43 if ($required_bond and not grep({$_ eq $required_bond;} @bonds))
174 0 15 if $DEBUG
179 1 42 if (contains_ring(\@atoms, \@rings))
180 0 1 if $DEBUG
186 7 35 unless $opts{'all'}
193 0 26 if $DEBUG
196 156 0 if (not $max_size or @{$paths{$a};} < $max_size / 2 + 0.1) { }
198 0 156 if $DEBUG
201 0 156 if $DEBUG
203 0 0 if $DEBUG
204 0 0 if $DEBUG
232 13 1 if $unique_atoms >= @$atoms
235 3 0 if (exists $seen{$atom}) { }
241 1 0 unless $unique_atoms
270 35 7 if $$visited{$atom}
285 1 5 if (not $opts{'sssr'} and @rings > $n_rings)
286 1 0 if $rings[$n_rings]->atoms == $rings[$n_rings - 1]->atoms
288 1 5 if defined $rings[$n_rings]
304 51 51 if not defined $bond or $$visited{$bond}
306 16 35 if ($$visited{$nei}) { }