Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 38 26.3

line true false branch
59 3 0 if $molecule->hasAttribute("id")
62 1 2 unless $atomArray
74 0 2 unless $element->hasAttribute("id")
78 2 0 if ($element->hasAttribute("elementType"))
81 0 2 if ($element->hasAttribute("formalCharge"))
84 0 2 if ($element->hasAttribute("hydrogenCount"))
87 0 2 if ($element->hasAttribute("isotopeNumber"))
90 2 0 if ($element->hasAttribute("x3") and $element->hasAttribute("y3") and $element->hasAttribute("z3"))
102 0 0 unless $atomParity and $atomParity->hasAttribute("atomRefs4") and $atomParity->textContent =~ /^-?1$/
106 0 0 unless $element->hasAttribute("id")
109 0 0 unless $atom->can("chirality")
118 0 2 if ($bondArray)
125 0 0 unless $order =~ /^[123]$/
129 0 0 $type eq 'A' ? :
137 0 0 if ($mol_bond->can("cistrans") and $bondStereo and $bondStereo->hasAttribute("atomRefs4") and $bondStereo->textContent =~ /^[CT]$/)
143 0 0 if ($cistrans_atoms[1] ne $atoms[0])
146 0 0 $bondStereo->textContent eq 'C' ? :
158 0 0 if ($explicit_hydrogens > $hydrogens_by_id{$id})
163 0 0 if $explicit_hydrogens == $hydrogens_by_id{$id}