Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 58 55.1

line true false branch
23 2 1 if ($arg_len == 3)
26 1 2 if ($arg_len >= 4)
35 3 0 if (scalar @table_field == scalar @table_data)
37 0 3 if ($type and $type eq 'no-pre-st') { }
1 2 elsif ($type and $type eq 'pre-st') { }
67 7 0 if ($arg_len > 2 or $arg_len >= 5)
69 7 0 if ($self->can($method_name))
83 2 0 if (ref $clause eq 'HASH')
86 2 0 if (exists $clause->{'where'})
101 6 0 unless $arg_len < 2
112 3 0 unless $arg_len < 3
123 4 0 if ($arg_len >= 3)
136 0 1 unless ref $col_val eq 'HASH'
139 1 0 if (exists $clause->{'where'})
144 0 3 $col_val->{$_} =~ qr/date|datetime|now|NOW/ ? :
158 3 0 if (exists $clause->{'where'})
176 0 3 if ($type and $type eq 'no-pre-st') { }
178 0 0 if (exists $clause->{'where'})
188 3 0 if (exists $clause->{'where'})
207 5 1 if (ref $clause eq 'HASH') { }
213 5 0 if ($size_clause != 0) { }
215 4 1 if (scalar @col == 0) { }
219 1 0 ref $column eq 'ARRAY' ? :
230 0 0 if ($size_col == 0) { }
242 1 0 if ($size_col == 0) { }
262 0 3 if $size_col == 0
263 3 0 if $size_col >= 1
267 3 0 if (ref $clause eq 'HASH') { }
268 3 0 if (exists $clause->{'join'}) { }