Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 24 45.8

line true false branch
26 1 0 if (defined $total and $total < $limit)
46 0 1 if defined $total and not $total
48 1 0 unless (defined $rows and @$rows)
52 0 1 unless my $sth = $dbh->prepare($handler->select_sql($bag, $start, $limit, $where))
56 0 1 unless $sth->execute(@$binds)
63 1 0 if defined $total
74 0 8 unless my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($store->handler->count_sql($bag, $self->start, $self->total, $self->where))
79 0 8 unless $sth->execute(@$binds)
145 0 4 is_string($self->where) ? :
150 0 4 if ($map->{'array'}) { }
4 0 elsif (is_value($arg2)) { }
151 0 0 is_value($arg2) ? :