Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 50 70.0

line true false branch
36 0 7 unless exists $args->{'type'}
39 1 6 if ($args->{'type'} eq 'starter') { }
1 5 elsif ($args->{'type'} eq 'random') { }
5 0 elsif ($args->{'type'} eq 'custom') { }
50 1 4 unless exists $args->{'map'}
72 0 256 unless $coordinates and ref $coordinates eq 'ARRAY' and @$coordinates == 2
83 0 2 unless $type_code and $type_code =~ qr/^[A-Z]$/
89 2 72 if $tile->code eq $type_code
98 0 54 unless defined $number and $number =~ qr/^[0-9]+$/
104 88 1910 if $tile->number == $number
113 0 33 unless $intersection and ref $intersection eq 'Catan::Map::Intersection'
119 99 1122 if $intersection->is_adjacent($tile)
127 0 82 unless $coordinates and ref $coordinates eq 'ARRAY' and @$coordinates == 3
142 0 31 unless $coordinates and ref $coordinates eq 'ARRAY' and @$coordinates == 2
160 0 6 unless $map_plan and ref $map_plan eq 'ARRAY'
167 0 222 unless not defined $resource_number or grep(($resource_number == $_), @resource_numbers)
173 222 0 exists $tile_types{$tile_code} ? :
185 0 6 unless $map and ref $map eq 'HASH' and keys %$map == 37
191 0 6 unless $centre_tile
204 360 972 unless $tile2 and $tile3
217 0 6 unless $intersections and ref $intersections eq 'HASH' and keys %$intersections == 54
231 16632 864 if $i1 eq $i2 or not $i1->is_adjacent($i2)
291 0 2 $type eq 'D' ? :
307 60 36 if grep(($neighbor->{'q'} == $_->[0] && $neighbor->{'r'} == $_->[1]), @land_tiles, @new_tiles)
312 2 34 $type eq 'D' ? :