Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 24 0.0

line true false branch
18 0 0 unless (exists $$stash{'image'})
44 0 0 if $size and $size < $longest
48 0 0 if $square and $w != $h
52 0 0 if $write_type ne $imager_type
56 0 0 if $$stash{'force_read'}
62 0 0 if ($should_thumbnail) { }
75 0 0 if (ref $image) { }
112 0 0 unless $type
126 0 0 unless $image->read('data', ${$$stash{'image'};}, 'type', $type, 'bytes', $max_size)
138 0 0 if ($square and $height != $width)
149 0 0 if ($size and $size < $longest)
153 0 0 $width > $height ? :