Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 68 64.7

line true false branch
86 71 21 unless $paths
87 0 21 if ref $paths eq "ARRAY"
90 21 0 unless (defined $dlim)
91 0 21 $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? :
105 92 20 unless (ref $config->{'INCLUDE_PATH'} eq "ARRAY")
109 71 21 unless (@include_path)
121 0 112 if ($config->{'TIMER'})
122 0 0 if ($config->{'CONTEXT'}) { }
132 0 0 if ($c->debug and $config->{'DUMP_CONFIG'})
155 10 102 if ($config->{'PROVIDERS'})
157 10 0 if (ref $config->{'PROVIDERS'} eq "ARRAY")
161 0 10 if ($pname eq '_file_') { }
167 10 0 if ($pname =~ s/^\+//) { }
177 0 10 if ($p->{'copy_config'})
185 10 0 if (not $@) { }
195 10 0 if (@providers)
218 0 20 unless (defined $template)
219 0 0 if $c->debug
225 0 20 if (my $err = $@)
228 2 18 if (&blessed($output) and $output->isa("Template::Exception"))
232 20 0 unless ($c->response->content_type)
253 0 24 if $c and $c->debug
257 3 21 ref $args eq 'HASH' ? :
263 2 22 if ref $vars->{'additional_template_paths'}
265 3 21 unless ($self->template->process($template, $vars, \$output))
266 1 2 if (exists $self->{'render_die'})
267 1 0 if $self->{'render_die'}
270 0 2 if $c and $c->debug
279 1 23 unless $c
288 0 23 defined $cvar ? :
290 4 19 if ($self->expose_methods)
294 0 8 unless ($method)
306 2 2 if ($@)
307 1 1 if (&blessed($@)) { }