Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 24 45.8

line true false branch
197 0 4 if $c->debug
204 4 0 if (not ref $page_class) { }
210 0 4 if ($@)
227 0 4 if (my $error = $@) { }
254 0 2 unless ($loom)
255 0 0 if $c->debug
259 2 0 unless ($c->response->content_type)
264 0 2 if (ref $loom eq 'ARRAY') { }
278 2 0 if ($skeleton = $self->config->{'skeleton'})
290 2 0 if (ref $self->config->{'fixup'})
297 0 2 if ($c->config->{'use_xhtml'}) { }
310 2 0 unless (not $body_is_skeleton and ref $loom or $body_is_skeleton and ref $self->config->{'skeleton'})