Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 15 46 32.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
252 0 0 1 $self->content_type and not $email->{'content_type'}
278 1 0 0 $parts and ref $parts eq 'ARRAY'
287 0 0 1 $mime{'attributes'} and not $mime{'attributes'}{'charset'}
0 1 0 $mime{'attributes'} and not $mime{'attributes'}{'charset'} and $self->{'default'}{'charset'}
334 0 0 1 exists $attrs->{'content_type'} and defined $attrs->{'content_type'}
0 0 1 exists $attrs->{'content_type'} and defined $attrs->{'content_type'} and $attrs->{'content_type'} ne ''
0 0 0 defined $default_content_type and $default_content_type ne ''
351 1 0 0 exists $attrs->{'charset'} and defined $attrs->{'charset'}
1 0 0 exists $attrs->{'charset'} and defined $attrs->{'charset'} and $attrs->{'charset'} ne ''
1 0 0 defined $default_charset and $default_charset ne ''
361 1 0 0 exists $attrs->{'encoding'} and defined $attrs->{'encoding'}
1 0 0 exists $attrs->{'encoding'} and defined $attrs->{'encoding'} and $attrs->{'encoding'} ne ''
1 0 0 defined $default_encoding and $default_encoding ne ''

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
229 0 1 $self->sender->{'mailer_args'} || {}
256 0 1 $email->{'header'} || []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
272 0 1 0 $parts or $body