Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 24 0.0

line true false branch
143 0 0 unless &blessed($view)
146 0 0 unless $view->isa('Catalyst::View')
150 0 0 unless $view->can('render')
177 0 0 if (exists $attrs->{'view'} and defined $attrs->{'view'} and $attrs->{'view'} ne '') { }
0 0 elsif ($default_view) { }
182 0 0 if $c->debug
190 0 0 if $c->debug
198 0 0 if $c->debug
210 0 0 $template_prefix ne '' ? :
225 0 0 if (ref $output)
226 0 0 $output->can('as_string') ? :
229 0 0 if (exists $e_m_attrs->{'encoding'} and defined $e_m_attrs->{'encoding'} and exists $e_m_attrs->{'charset'} and defined $e_m_attrs->{'charset'}) { }