Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 90 100 90.0

line true false branch
95 7007 79 unless delete $self->_controller_actions->{'*'}
134 37 2811 unless $c->forward($disp)
143 660 300 unless $begin
146 0 300 if (@{$c->error;}) { }
163 2 34 unless $c->state
170 954 0 if (ref $c->action and $c->action->can("execute") and defined $c->req->action)
177 26 897 if (@{$c->error;}) { }
187 288 646 unless $end
194 4 61 $self->isa('Catalyst') ? :
250 0 6521 unless $meta->can("get_nearest_methods_with_attributes")
260 0 655 unless $meta->find_method_by_name($_)
263 6371 150 if ref $self
281 149 0 if (not &blessed($self) and $self eq $c and scalar @methods)
283 2 147 if (scalar @really_bad_methods)
292 69127 81 $method->can('attributes') ? :
294 0 69208 if ($attrs->{'Private'} and keys %$attrs > 1)
296 0 0 if $c->debug
301 65460 3748 $namespace ? :
334 918 68290 exists $args{'attributes'}{'ActionClass'} ? :
348 316 68892 unless Class::MOP::does_metaclass_exist($class)
351 36613 32595 unless ($args{'name'} =~ /^_(DISPATCH|BEGIN|AUTO|ACTION|END)$/)
355 1818 34795 if @roles
362 68461 747 ref $self ? :
365 67864 1344 unless $action_args->{'*'}
366 68960 248 unless $$action_args{$args{'name'}}
376 36611 2 &blessed($self) ? :
36127 486 unless $args{'attributes'}{'Does'}
384 1308 35305 if $args{'attributes'}{'Method'}
387 13 36600 if $args{'attributes'}{'Consumes'}
390 8 36605 if $args{'attributes'}{'Scheme'}
393 8 36605 if $args{'attributes'}{'Query'}
406 96151 0 if (my($key, $value) = $attr =~ /^(.*?)(?:\(\s*(.+?)?\s*\))?$/)
409 35983 60168 if (defined $value)
410 11936 24047 unless $value =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/
417 68461 747 if (ref $self) { }
431 162 984 ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? :
654 68554 exists $actions_config->{$name} ? :
441 27606 41602 unless $raw_attributes{'Private'}
457 96068 16586 ref $values eq 'ARRAY' ? :
459 44337 68481 if (my $code = $self->can($meth)) { }
462 29161 15419 $key eq $new_key ? :
494 584 14782 unless defined $value
495 2140 13226 if ($value =~ m[^/]) { }
12633 593 elsif (length $value) { }
509 11481 910 if (defined $value and length $value) { }
510 324 11157 if ($value eq '.') { }
324 10833 elsif (my($rel, $rest) = $value =~ m[^((?:\.{2}/)+)(.*)$]) { }
6564 4269 elsif (not $value =~ m[^/]) { }
520 6414 150 if ($action_ns) { }
576 7572 0 $self->can('_action_role_prefix') ? :