Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 32 48 66.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
53 0 26 443 scalar @{$self->attributes->{'Args'};} == 1 and &looks_like_number($self->attributes->{'Args'}[0])
97 2 20 2 $tc->can("is_strictly_a_type_of") and $tc->is_strictly_a_type_of("Tuple")
106 0 1 0 $final->can("is_strictly_a_type_of") and $final->is_strictly_a_type_of("Slurpy")
112 0 0 1 ref $final eq "HASH" and $final->{'slurpy'}
163 0 26 218 scalar @arg_protos == 1 and &looks_like_number($arg_protos[0])
194 1 3 1 $tc->can("is_strictly_a_type_of") and $tc->is_strictly_a_type_of("Tuple")
199 0 1 0 defined $parameters[-1] and exists $parameters[-1]{'slurpy'}
248 0 6 62 scalar @arg_protos == 1 and &looks_like_number($arg_protos[0])
265 0 32 0 defined $name and &blessed($name)
32 0 0 defined $name and &blessed($name) and $name->can("check")
329 0 6 112 scalar @{$self->attributes->{'CaptureArgs'};} == 1 and &looks_like_number($self->attributes->{'CaptureArgs'}[0])
391 5 76 8 $self->args_constraint_count == 1 and $self->args_constraints->[0]->is_a_type_of('Ref') || $self->args_constraints->[0]->is_a_type_of('ClassName')
456 11 27 13 $self->captures_constraints_count == 1 and $self->captures_constraints->[0]->is_a_type_of('Ref') || $self->captures_constraints->[0]->is_a_type_of('ClassName')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
391 8 0 76 $self->args_constraints->[0]->is_a_type_of('Ref') || $self->args_constraints->[0]->is_a_type_of('ClassName')
405 5 2 1 $self->comparable_arg_number == '18446744073709551615' or scalar @args == $self->comparable_arg_number
456 13 0 27 $self->captures_constraints->[0]->is_a_type_of('Ref') || $self->captures_constraints->[0]->is_a_type_of('ClassName')