Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 36 58.3

line true false branch
27 6 0 if (my $cookie = $c->get_session_cookie)
45 12 0 unless ($c->cookie_is_rejecting($updated))
54 2 12 if ($cookie->{'path'})
55 1 1 if index '/' . $c->request->path, $cookie->{'path'}
68 0 12 $cfg->{'cookie_domain'} ? :
0 12 $cfg->{'cookie_path'} ? :
72 11 1 unless (exists $cookie->{'expires'})
78 0 12 unless $sec == 0 or $sec == 2
79 2 10 if $sec == 2 and $c->req->secure
83 12 0 unless defined $cookie->{'httponly'}
87 12 0 unless defined $cookie->{'samesite'}
94 0 0 unless $c->maybe::next::method(@_)
102 0 11 if $value
104 0 11 if (exists $cfg->{'cookie_expires'}) { }
105 0 0 if ($cfg->{'cookie_expires'} > 0) { }
128 9 6 if (not $c->_deleted_session_id and my $cookie = $c->get_session_cookie)
130 0 9 if $c->debug
131 9 0 if $sid