Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 28 75.0

line true false branch
254 18 4 if (not $req_path =~ /$config->{'language_independent_paths'}/) { }
256 17 1 if defined $prefix
257 4 14 unless defined $path
259 12 6 if (defined $prefix and exists $valid_language_codes->{$prefix}) { }
266 1 11 if ($path =~ /$config->{'language_independent_paths'}/) { }
290 0 6 if ($geocountry and exists $valid_language_codes->{$geocountry}) { }
302 4 2 $detected_language_code ? :
305 4 2 if $detected_language_code
315 0 6 if ($config->{'redirect_to_language_url'}) { }
513 16 1 if (not $c->req->path =~ /$c->config->{'Plugin::I18N::PathPrefixGeoIP'}{'language_independent_paths'}/)
571 0 35 if $c->config->{'Plugin::I18N::PathPrefixGeoIP'}{'debug'}
587 0 6 unless ($ip)
590 6 0 unless ($record)
593 0 0 unless ($geocountry)