Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 53 64.1

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
57 89 17 $c->req->data and scalar keys %{$c->req->data;}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
171 34 0 9 exists $$data{$self->data_root} and defined $$data{$self->data_root}
217 0 0 40 defined $id and length $id
256 40 0 13 exists $req->search_attributes->{'page'} and defined $req->search_attributes->{'page'}
40 0 13 exists $req->search_attributes->{'page'} and defined $req->search_attributes->{'page'} and length $req->search_attributes->{'page'}
0 15 38 $req->has_search_attributes and (exists $req->search_attributes->{'page'} and defined $req->search_attributes->{'page'} and length $req->search_attributes->{'page'})
406 15 2 0 ref $related_params and &reftype($related_params) eq 'ARRAY'
451 57 0 0 ref $value and not &reftype($value) eq &reftype(scalar &JSON::MaybeXS::true())
540 17 0 0 ref $value and not &reftype($value) eq &reftype(scalar &JSON::MaybeXS::true())
592 0 105 1 $c->res->status and $c->res->status != 200
604 64 2 6 $self->return_object and $c->req->has_objects
66 0 6 $self->return_object and $c->req->has_objects and not exists $c->stash->{$self->stash_key}{$self->data_root}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
116 7 90 0 $c->stash->{'class'} || $self->class
381 1 12 0 $c->stash->{'create_requires'} || $self->create_requires
388 2 17 0 $c->stash->{'update_allows'} || $self->update_allows
0 13 0 $c->stash->{'create_allows'} || $self->create_allows
461 32 2 23 exists $params->{$key} or defined $value
465 27 0 3 keys %values or not $object->in_storage