Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 77 38.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
157 2 2 3 $my_wizard_id and $my_wizard_id ne 'new'
210 18 1 0 $$flags{-'last'} and @$args
214 19 0 0 $$flags{-'skip'} and @$new_steps
19 0 0 $$flags{-'skip'} and @$new_steps and not exists $$new_steps[-1]{'skip'}
248 0 18 18 $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'caller'
454 7 0 0 exists $$self{'step_back'} and $$self{'step_number'} > 0
763 3 0 0 exists $$options_ref{'append_to_uri'} and ref $$options_ref{'append_to_uri'} eq 'HASH'
792 0 0 0 $$self{'step_number'} + 1 == $step and $$self{'steps'}[$$self{'step_number'}]{'step_type'} eq '-redirect'
802 0 0 0 $$self{'step_number'} > $step and $$self{'steps'}[$step]{'step_type'} eq '-redirect'
880 5 4 0 exists $c->stash->{'wizard'} && keys %{$c->stash->{'wizard'};}
0 0 0 keys %{{} unless $c->stash->{'wizard'};} and not keys %{$$self{'stash'};}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
462 0 7 $_[0] || 0
520 0 0 $$step_back{'type'} || '-redirect'
743 3 0 $options_ref ||= {'append_wizard_step', 0, 'append_wizard_id', 1}
749 4 2 0 exists $$options_ref{$_} or $$options_ref{$_} = $$step{$_}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
145 0 7 0 ref $class || $class
281 0 13 6 $step eq '-forward' or $step eq '-detach'
1 0 5 $step eq '-sub' or $step eq '-subfixed'
3 2 0 $step eq '-redirect' or not $step =~ /^-/
342 2 11 6 $self->_is_force_add_step(\@args, \@new_steps, $step_ref, $flags) or not exists $$self{'steps_already_in_wizard'}{$$step_ref{'hash'}}
609 0 0 0 $path eq '-detach' or $path eq '-forward'
653 1 0 3 $$step{'step_type'} eq '-detach' or $$step{'step_type'} eq '-forward'
859 0 0 0 $$self{'id_to_form'} ||= '<input type="hidden" name="wid" value="' . $self->_get_wizard_id . '"/>' . "\n"
935 0 0 0 $$self{'expires'} ||= time + $c->config->{'wizard'}{'expires'}
1032 0 0 0 $i == 1 or $caller_fun =~ /::(short_)?info$/
1073 0 0 0 $step_type eq 'detach' or $step_type eq 'forward'