Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 228 236 96.6

line true false branch
116 6 2 if (defined $string) { }
117 4 2 if defined $match and $string eq $match
120 1 1 unless defined $match
142 2 6 if defined $string xor defined $unmatch
144 1 4 if defined $string and defined $unmatch and $string ne $unmatch
216 1 112 if (not defined $op) { }
13 99 elsif ($op eq '==') { }
13 86 elsif ($op eq '!=') { }
17 69 elsif ($op eq '<') { }
17 52 elsif ($op eq '<=') { }
18 34 elsif ($op eq '>') { }
17 17 elsif ($op eq '>=') { }
2 15 elsif ($op eq 'lt') { }
2 13 elsif ($op eq 'le') { }
2 11 elsif ($op eq 'gt') { }
2 9 elsif ($op eq 'ge') { }
220 5 6 if &looks_like_number($x) and &looks_like_number($y) and $x == $y
223 5 6 if &looks_like_number($x) and &looks_like_number($y) and $x != $y
226 7 8 if &looks_like_number($x) and &looks_like_number($y) and $x < $y
229 7 8 if &looks_like_number($x) and &looks_like_number($y) and $x <= $y
232 7 9 if &looks_like_number($x) and &looks_like_number($y) and $x > $y
235 7 8 if &looks_like_number($x) and &looks_like_number($y) and $x >= $y
238 1 1 if defined $x and defined $y and $x lt $y
241 1 1 if defined $x and defined $y and $x le $y
244 1 1 if defined $x and defined $y and $x gt $y
247 1 1 if defined $x and defined $y and $x ge $y
273 6 1 if (defined $string and not ref $string)
274 5 1 if (ref $regex)
275 3 2 if $string =~ /$regex/
297 2 5 unless defined $string
299 3 2 if (ref $regex eq "Regexp")
300 1 2 unless $string =~ /$regex/
315 7 2 if defined $_[0]
329 1 3 unless defined $_[0]
346 2 5 if (not defined $this) { }
350 1 4 if (ref $this) { }
354 2 2 if $this ne ""
377 12 9 if &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($n)
399 18 2 if (defined $this)
400 6 12 if $this =~ /$INTEGER/
422 5 5 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($this))
423 4 1 if $this != 0
445 5 5 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($this))
446 3 2 if $this + 0 > 0
470 5 5 if (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($this))
471 4 1 if $this >= 0
494 1 9 if defined $this and $this + 0 < 0
515 3 7 if (defined $this and $this =~ /$INTEGER/)
516 2 1 if $this != 0
539 4 7 if (defined $this and $this =~ /$INTEGER/)
540 2 2 if $this > 0
562 3 7 if (defined $this and $this =~ /$INTEGER/)
563 2 1 if $this >= 0
585 3 8 if (defined $this and $this =~ /$INTEGER/)
586 1 2 if $this < 0
611 2 4 if &Scalar::Util::blessed($this) and $this->isa($type)
612 1 3 if ref $this eq $type
632 12 5 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($obj))
634 9 3 if $obj->isa($_)
667 6 7 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($ref)) { }
676 5 8 if ($underlying_type eq 'HASH') { }
5 3 elsif ($underlying_type eq 'ARRAY') { }
677 2 3 if scalar keys %{$ref;} == 0
682 2 3 if @{$ref;} == 0
690 3 6 if $n and $n > 1
722 4 9 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($ref)) { }
731 4 9 if ($underlying_type eq 'HASH') { }
4 5 elsif ($underlying_type eq 'ARRAY') { }
732 2 2 if scalar keys %{$ref;} > 0
736 2 2 if scalar @{$ref;} > 0
759 3 1 unless ref $this
791 3 4 if (ref $ref eq "HASH" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($ref) and $ref->isa("HASH"))
811 6 4 if (ref $ref eq "HASH" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($ref) and $ref->isa("HASH"))
812 3 3 if scalar keys %{$ref;} > 0
840 5 8 if (ref $ref eq "ARRAY" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($ref) and $ref->isa("ARRAY"))
860 7 4 if (ref $ref eq "ARRAY" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($ref) and $ref->isa("ARRAY"))
861 4 3 if scalar @{$ref;} > 0
889 6 4 if (ref $ref eq "ARRAY" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($ref) and $ref->isa("ARRAY"))
890 4 2 if (scalar @{$ref;} > 0) { }
893 2 7 unless (&Scalar::Util::blessed($i) and $i->isa($type) or ref $i eq $type)
905 8 2 unless ($ok)
927 4 4 if (ref $ref eq "ARRAY" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($ref) and $ref->isa("ARRAY"))
930 2 0 unless (ref $val eq "HASH" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($val) and $val->isa("HASH"))
937 2 6 if $ok
954 2 5 if (ref $ref eq "CODE" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($ref) and $ref->isa("CODE"))
975 0 0 if (ref $ref eq "DateTime" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($ref) and $ref->isa("DateTime"))
1004 12 0 unless (ref $needle)
1007 10 2 if (ref $haystack eq "ARRAY" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($haystack) and $haystack->isa("ARRAY"))
1012 1 27 if (ref $element)
1019 9 1 if ($elements_ok)
1020 7 2 if (defined $needle) { }
1022 5 12 if ($needle eq $element)
1030 1 4 unless (defined $element)
1040 6 6 if $found
1068 10 0 if (ref $hash eq "HASH" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($hash) and $hash->isa("HASH"))
1069 9 1 if (defined $key)
1070 5 4 if (ref $key eq 'ARRAY') { }
3 1 elsif (not ref $key) { }
1073 2 5 unless (exists $hash->{$_})
1088 4 6 if $ok
1116 6 0 if (ref $hash eq "HASH" or &Scalar::Util::blessed($hash) and $hash->isa("HASH"))
1117 6 0 if (defined $key)
1118 4 2 if (ref $key eq 'ARRAY') { }
2 0 elsif (not ref $key) { }
1121 1 5 if (exists $hash->{$_})
1136 3 3 if $ok
1162 8 1 if (ref $hash eq 'HASH' or &Scalar::Util::blessed($hash) and $hash->isa('HASH')) { }
1163 7 1 if (ref $keys eq 'ARRAY') { }
1167 9 9 unless (exists $keys{$key})
1181 3 6 if $ok
1201 14 1 if (ref $hash eq 'HASH' or &Scalar::Util::blessed($hash) and $hash->isa('HASH')) { }
1202 13 1 if (ref $keys eq 'ARRAY') { }
1208 16 17 unless (exists $keys{$key})
1216 21 17 unless (exists $hash->{$key})
1230 3 12 if $ok
1271 2 1 if defined $wantarray
1310 1 2 if defined $wantarray and not $wantarray
1338 37 258 if defined $name