Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 20 95.0

line true false branch
24 25 18 unless defined $offset
27 11 27 if (defined $ctx and not ref $ctx and $ctx =~ /^-?\d+$/)
36 5 27 unless defined $ctx
39 6 21 unless ref $ctx
51 4 9 if 'CODE' eq ref $_[0]
53 6 3 if (defined $_[0] and my($package, $function) = $_[0] =~ /\A(.*?)::([^:]+)\z/)
58 1 5 unless defined $package and length $package
59 5 1 if (my $sub = "$package"->can($function))
64 2 1 defined $_[0] ? :
76 17 0 unless $@