Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 34 61.7

line true false branch
20 45 0 if (@_)
22 2 43 if ($_[0] =~ /-\D/) { }
25 4 39 if (scalar @_ == 3) { }
32 18 0 if exists $arg{$_}
51 0 2 if ($n1 == 4) { }
57 0 2 _is_leap_year($year) ? :
58 4 0 $month > 1 ? :
61 2 0 $month > 2 ? :
72 2 2 if (exists $$self{'absolute'})
95 0 6 if ($self->year == 0)
98 0 6 if ($self->month < 1 or $self->month > 12)
101 0 6 if ($self->day < 1 or $self->day > $self->last_day_of_month)
119 5 3 if ($month > 2)
121 0 5 if (_is_leap_year($year))
130 0 8 if ($year < 0)
138 0 6 unless $month > 0 and $month < 13
139 0 6 if ($month == 2 and _is_leap_year($year)) { }