Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 24 0.0

line true false branch
36 0 0 if ($args{'name'} and $args{'memd'})
39 0 0 if ($memd)
43 0 0 if ($res or $args{'force'})
44 0 0 unless ($res)
46 0 0 unless $memd->get($key) eq $val
70 0 0 if ($memd) { }
72 0 0 unless $val
73 0 0 if ($val eq $$self{'val'}) { }
108 0 0 unless $args{'max_wait'}
127 0 0 unless ($wait_indef)
129 0 0 if $wait_left <= 0
133 0 0 if (not $lock and $args{'force_after_timeout'})