Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 55 82 67.0

line true false branch
219 3 2 exists $config{'keys'} ? :
220 3 2 exists $config{'min_key_length'} ? :
221 3 2 exists $config{'access_counter'} ? :
222 0 5 exists $config{'value'} ? :
223 3 2 exists $config{'test_type'} ? :
224 1 4 exists $config{'weighted_key_config'} ? :
225 0 5 exists $config{'sleep_time'} ? :
226 1 4 exists $config{'accesslist'} ? :
232 0 4 if ($keylist_length < 10)
236 0 4 if ($access_counter < 1)
240 0 4 if ($access_counter <= $keylist_length)
243 0 4 unless (defined $cache_value)
249 4 8 if $test_type eq $type
251 0 4 unless ($type_ok)
255 0 4 if (ref $weighted_key_config ne 'HASH')
258 0 4 if (defined $accesslist and ref $accesslist ne 'ARRAY')
262 0 4 if (defined $accesslist and $#$accesslist == -1)
270 4 0 $key_length > 0 ? :
272 1 3 if (defined $accesslist) { }
329 0 4 unless ($$self{'_is_init'})
333 0 4 unless $self->_check_cache_class($cache)
334 2 2 $auto_purge ? :
357 0 0 unless $$self{'_is_init'}
377 0 0 unless ($$self{'_is_init'})
401 0 0 unless ($$self{'_is_init'})
450 0 201009 if $fill_length <= 0
465 1 2 if ($test_type eq 'plain') { }
1 1 elsif ($test_type eq 'random') { }
1 0 elsif ($test_type eq 'weighted') { }
469 9 991 if $i > $#$plain_list
482 2 8 if (defined $actual_step)
484 1 1 if $actual_step < $percent
485 1 1 if defined $actual_step
506 0 12 unless (UNIVERSAL::can($cache, $method))
529 0 102020 if ($sleep_time > 0)
532 101899 121 if ($$cached_keys{$key}) { }
536 101899 0 if (defined $val) { }
552 1020 101000 if ($auto_purge)
553 1020 0 if $cache->purge
558 0 4 $cache_deleted ? :
560 0 4 $cache_deleted ? :