Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 356 10.6

line true false branch
1224 0 18 $^O =~ /mswin/i ? :
0 18 $^O =~ /mswin/i ? :
0 18 $^O =~ /mswin/i ? :
1364 0 5 unless defined $ss
1372 0 0 unless defined $ss
1382 1 2 unless defined $ss
1389 1 2 unless defined $data_staring
1397 1 2 unless defined $data_staring
1407 0 0 unless defined $data_staring
1418 1 1 if (defined $s)
1425 0 0 unless defined $toencode
1431 0 0 unless defined $todecode
1446 0 0 unless -e $f
1447 0 0 if -d $f
1448 0 0 unless -w $f
1449 0 0 unless -r $f
1450 0 0 if -B $f
1455 0 0 unless (open ORIG, $f)
1456 0 0 unless (open TEMP, ">$temp")
1470 0 0 defined $$fd{uc $1} ? :
1481 0 0 $fin =~ /^(.+)\.([0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/ ? :
1497 0 0 if ($dig =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/)
1504 0 0 unless defined $val
1542 0 0 if ($date =~ /^\s*(\d{1,2})\D+(\d{1,2})\D+(\d{4})\s*$/) { }
1543 0 0 $1 < 10 ? :
1544 0 0 $2 < 10 ? :
1546 0 0 if ($dd > 31 or $dd <= 0)
1547 0 0 if ($mm > 12 or $mm <= 0)
1549 0 0 if ($dd > $aday[$mm - 1])
1557 0 0 if ($dtin =~ /^\s*(\d{1,2})\.+(\d{1,2})\.+(\d{4}).*$/)
1564 0 0 if ($dtin =~ /^\s*(\d{1,2})\.+(\d{1,2})\.+(\d{4})\s+(\d{1,2})\:(\d{1,2})\:(\d{1,2}).*$/)
1565 0 0 $2 ? :
0 0 $3 ? :
1578 0 0 if ($arg % 4 == 0 and not $arg % 100 == 0 && $arg % 400 != 0) { }
1588 0 0 unless $stat
1594 0 0 unless $stat
1600 0 0 unless $stat
1606 0 0 unless $stat
1616 0 0 $g && $g =~ /^[\-+]?[1-9]$/ ? :
1619 0 0 $g && $z =~ /GMT|UTC/ ? :
1649 0 0 if $g
1650 0 0 if $g
1664 0 0 $diff < 0 ? :
1676 0 0 if $length_s < 3
1677 0 0 if ($length_s < 6) { }
1687 0 0 if (length $S <= $length_s) { }
1712 0 5 unless $l =~ /^\d+$/
1716 0 5 $arr && ref $arr eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1723 0 0 unless @_
1734 3 0 $flag =~ /^(on|y|true|enable|1)/i ? :
1738 2 1 $flag =~ /^(off|n|false|disable|0)/i ? :
1747 0 0 unless length $filename
1750 0 0 if (-e $filename)
1752 0 0 if ($ostat) { }
1753 0 0 unless -z $filename
1764 0 1 unless length $filename
1767 1 0 if ($ostat) { }
1768 0 1 unless flock FILE, 2
1787 0 0 unless length $fn
1789 0 0 if (ref $fn eq 'GLOB') { }
1793 0 0 unless ($ostat)
1798 0 0 if $onutf8
1799 0 0 unless $onutf8
1806 0 0 unless length $fn
1809 0 0 if (ref $fn eq 'GLOB') { }
1812 0 0 unless (open $OUT, '>', $fn)
1816 0 0 unless flock $OUT, 2
1819 0 0 if ($onutf8) { }
1825 0 0 if $flc
1837 0 0 unless length $fn
1841 0 0 unless ($ostat)
1845 0 0 if $ostat
1853 0 0 unless length $src
1854 0 0 unless length $dst
1855 0 0 unless ($src and -e $src)
1859 0 0 unless (utime +(stat $src)[8, 9], $dst)
1870 0 0 if (ref $din eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $din eq 'ARRAY') { }
1871 0 0 if length($k // '')
1873 0 0 if defined $_
1874 0 0 if length $din
1877 0 0 unless -e $dir
1878 0 0 if defined $chmod and -e $dir
1879 0 0 unless (-d $dir or -l $dir)
1892 0 0 if not /^\.+$/
1914 0 0 unless (opendir $dh, $dir)
1921 0 0 if ($mask and ref $mask eq 'Regexp') { }
1924 0 0 if length $mask
1942 0 0 if defined $args[0]
1972 0 0 unless ($charset =~ /utf\-?8/i)
1978 0 0 $cc ? :
1991 0 0 if ($att)
1992 0 0 if (ref($att) =~ /HASH/i) { }
0 0 elsif (ref($att) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
1996 0 0 if (ref($_) =~ /HASH/i) { }
2009 0 0 $smtpargs && ref $smtpargs eq 'HASH' ? :
2010 0 0 if ($smtp) { }
0 0 elsif ($sendmail and -e $sendmail) { }
2011 0 0 if length $smtpuser
2012 0 0 if length $smtppass
2014 0 0 if $@
2017 0 0 if $@
2020 0 0 if $@
2022 0 0 $sendstat ? :
2043 0 0 unless ($ftpconnect and ref $ftpconnect eq 'HASH' and $ftpconnect->{'ftphost'})
2048 0 0 $ftpconnect ? :
2049 0 0 $ftpconnect ? :
2050 0 0 $ftpconnect ? :
2051 0 0 $ftpconnect ? :
2052 0 0 $ftpconnect && $ftpconnect->{'ftpattr'} ? :
2056 0 0 unless (my $ftp = 'Net::FTP'->new($ftphost, %$attr))
2058 0 0 unless ($ftp->login($ftpuser, $ftppassword))
2059 0 0 if ($ftpdir and not $ftp->cwd($ftpdir))
2065 0 0 if ($cmd eq 'connect') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'ls') { }
0 0 elsif (not $lfile) { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'delete') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'get') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd eq 'put') { }
2068 0 0 unless my(@out) = $ftp->ls('-1a')
2075 0 0 unless $ftp->delete($lfile)
2079 0 0 unless $ftp->get($rfile, $lfile)
2083 0 0 unless $ftp->put($lfile, $rfile)
2092 0 0 unless ($ftpdata)
2097 0 0 if ($ftpdata->{'voidfile'}) { }
2103 0 0 unless (-e $vfile)
2109 0 0 $rfiles ? :
2110 0 0 unless (grep {$_ eq 'void.txt';} @remotefiles)
2122 0 0 $rfile && ref $rfile eq 'ARRAY' ? :
2124 0 0 if ($mask and ref $mask eq 'Regexp') { }
2127 0 0 if $mask
2140 0 0 if ($icmd and ref $icmd eq 'ARRAY') { }
2150 0 0 if defined $bm and $bm and $bm =~ /^\d+$/
2151 0 0 if defined $bm and $bm =~ /\:/
2152 0 0 if defined $in
2156 0 0 if defined $bm and $bm and $bm =~ /^\d+$/
2157 0 0 if defined $bm and $bm =~ /\:/
2163 0 0 if defined $bm and $bm and $bm =~ /^\d+$/
2164 0 0 if defined $bm and $bm =~ /\:/
2169 0 0 if ($err and ref $err eq 'SCALAR') { }
2172 0 0 if $ierr
2181 0 0 unless defined $cs
2182 0 0 if $cs eq ''
2184 0 0 if (isostype('Windows'))
2186 0 0 if ($ENV{'PATHEXT'})
2198 0 0 if -d $file
2199 0 0 if (isostype('Windows')) { }
0 0 elsif (isostype('Unix')) { }
2200 0 0 if (-e $file)
2201 0 0 $file =~ /\s/ ? :
2202 0 0 if ($wh) { }
2205 0 0 if (-e $file and -x _)
2206 0 0 if ($wh) { }
2209 0 0 if (-e $file)
2210 0 0 if ($wh) { }
2215 0 0 if $wh
2228 18 0 defined $pfx ? :
2232 0 10 if ($pfx eq '/usr') { }
10 0 elsif ($pfx eq '/usr/local') { }
2241 0 8 $pfx eq '/usr' ? :
2245 0 0 if ($pfx eq '/usr') { }
0 0 elsif ($pfx eq '/usr/local') { }
2254 0 0 $pfx eq '/usr' ? :
2282 0 5 unless ($schema and ref $schema eq 'ARRAY')
2288 0 5 if (ref $first eq 'HASH') { }
0 5 elsif (ref $first eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 4 elsif (not defined $first) { }
2302 4 4 ref $s eq 'ARRAY' ? :
2314 7 3 if exists $pos{$key}
2321 0 18 if isostype('Windows')
2322 18 0 if isostype('Unix')
2325 0 0 $OS =~ /VMS/i ? :
2335 0 0 defined $_ ? :
2348 18 0 if @_ and $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'CTK::Util'
2350 18 0 if (defined $param)
2357 36 0 if @_ and $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'CTK::Util'
2361 0 0 if @_ and $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'CTK::Util'
2364 0 0 $cos && lc $os eq lc $cos && Perl::OSType::os_type($os) ? :