Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 8 36 22.2

line true false branch
30 44 1 if scalar(@_) % 2
35 44 1 if defined $val
46 0 268 unless $self->format
64 44 268 if (@_)
67 0 44 if ($self->_is_a($val, 'CSS::Object::Value')) { }
71 0 0 if ($val->comment_after->length)
76 0 0 if defined $cmt
79 0 0 if ($val->comment_before->length)
84 0 0 if defined $cmt
116 0 0 if $self->_is_hash($_[0])
117 0 0 if ($opts->{'before'})
120 0 0 unless defined $cmt
121 0 0 if defined $cmt and length $cmt
123 0 0 if ($opts->{'after'})
126 0 0 unless defined $cmt
127 0 0 if defined $cmt and length $cmt
137 0 0 if ($self->_is_a($this, 'CSS::Objet::Comment')) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->_is_array($this) or not ref $this) { }