Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 27 57 47.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
182 0 0 0 defined $$style{'name'} and $$style{'name'} eq $name
185 0 0 0 defined $$style{'fullname'} and $$style{'fullname'} eq $name
214 0 0 0 defined $$function{'name'} and $$function{'name'} eq $name
458 0 0 2 not $eval =~ /[a-z]/i and defined(my $result = eval $eval)
459 0 0 2 defined $result and $removed
469 0 0 0 defined $result and $removed
470 0 0 0 not $@ and defined $result
474 52 3 2 $value =~ /\#[abcdef0123456789]{6}/i and $value =~ m[(\+|\-|\*|/)]
511 19 513 41 length $stop == 1 and $_ eq $stop
512 554 18 1 length $stop == 2 and $lastChar . $_ eq $stop
585 0 0 0 $source =~ /\>/ and not $sourceSelector
590 0 0 0 $source =~ /(.*)\((.*)\)/ and not $sourceSelector
619 30 7 0 $buffer =~ /(.*)\s*\((\@*.*)\)/ and not $buffer =~ /^.*[:].*\(/
642 1978 3 0 $lastChar =~ m[/] and m[/]
643 1978 2 1 $lastChar =~ m[/] and /\*/

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
464 1 0 56 $value =~ m[(\d+)\s*(px|pt|em|cm|%)*\s*(\+|\*|/)\s*((\d+)\s*(px|pt|em|cm|%)*|\d+)] or $value =~ /(\d+)\s*(px|pt|em|cm|%)*\s*(\-)\s+((\d+)\s*(px|pt|em|cm|%)*|\d+)/
519 37 57 1887 /\}/ or /\;/
574 0 0 57 $buffer =~ s/^(\..*)$// or $buffer =~ s/^(\#.*)$//
640 4 2 1975 /\"/ or /\'/