Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 80 88 90.9

line true false branch
42 128 404 if (@_ == 1) { }
63 89 5 if (defined wantarray)
70 6 88 if (@_)
72 1 5 unless defined $css and CORE::length $css
92 1919 982 if (my $spec = $$self{'parser'})
93 1918 1 if (my $p = $spec->get_property($name))
94 115 1803 if (exists $$p{'serialise'} and my $s = $$p{'serialise'})
99 33 405 unless CORE::length $v
100 129 276 $spec->get_property($_)->{'default'} eq $v ? :
108 199 2620 unless exists $$props{$name}
111 978 48 !ref($val) ? :
1594 1026 ref $val eq 'ARRAY' ? :
118 1 85 unless $$self{'parser'}
120 4 81 unless exists((my $props = $$self{'props'} || (return))->{my $name = lc $_[0]})
126 69 12 ref $$valref eq 'ARRAY' ? :
144 2 100 if defined wantarray
149 96 6 if (my $spec = $$self{'parser'})
152 82 20 unless @to_delete
157 0 175 unless $$self{'names'}
172 31 1054 unless CORE::length $value
175 1 1053 unless my(@tokens) = eval { do { CSS::DOM::Parser::tokenise_value($value) } }
179 2 1051 if $tokens[0] =~ /^s+\z/
185 902 149 if (my $spec = $$self{'parser'})
186 27 875 unless my(@args) = $spec->match($name, @tokens)
188 117 758 if (@args == 1) { }
190 65 553 if $v eq ''
193 82 471 unless exists $$props{$k = lc $k}
204 135 772 unless exists $$props{$name = lc $name}
214 3 1 defined $ret ? :
226 3 628 if ($types =~ /(s?(ds?))i\z/ and $$tokens[$-[2]] eq '!') { }
240 13 618 if (my $spec = $$self{'parser'}) { }
241 4 9 unless my(@args) = $spec->match($name, $types, $tokens)
243 1 8 if (@args == 1) { }
245 1 2 if $v eq ''
248 2 0 unless exists $$props{$k = lc $k}
261 626 0 unless exists $$props{$name = lc $name}
270 0 0 $_[0] =~ /^$prop_re\z/o ? :
0 0 unless do { shift() }->SUPER::can(@_)
274 2187 0 if (our $AUTOLOAD =~ /(?<=:)($prop_re)\z/o) { }
278 1273 914 if defined wantarray
279 1037 1150 if @_
292 4 106 if @_
298 904 8 unless $_[0]{'mod_handler'}
305 1 4 unless (shift())->{'names'}