Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 42 30.9

line true false branch
62 0 2 if (@commands == grep({can_run($_);} @commands))
64 0 0 if (-f "/etc/redhat-release" or -d "/usr/lib/rpm/suse")
94 0 0 if ($self->installdirs eq "site")
105 0 0 if (not $spec) { }
110 0 0 unless ($ok)
115 0 0 if ($ok)
139 0 0 if (is_testing())
182 1 0 $self->is_noarch ? :
230 0 1 if (exists $PROVIDES_FOR{$dist_name})
243 0 1 if (exists $OBSOLETES_FOR{$dist_name})
253 24 0 if ($text)
447 1 0 unless ($topdir)
449 1 0 if ($homedir)
454 0 1 unless ($topdir)
467 0 1 if (defined $ENV{'EPOCH'} and $ENV{'EPOCH'} =~ /\A \d+ \z/msux)
479 0 1 if ($rpm_cmd)
488 0 0 if ($ok)
490 0 0 if ($output =~ /\A \d+ \z/msux)
504 0 1 $epoch_env > $epoch_sys ? :
518 1 0 unless ($distribution)
522 1 0 if ($os_release and $os_release =~ /$PRETTY_NAME/u)