Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 62 82.2

line true false branch
68 1 3 if ($$self{'clean'}) { }
2 1 elsif ($$self{'RELEASE'}{'exists'}) { }
80 1 2 if ($idfile and -f $idfile)
81 1 0 if (my $fh = 'IO::File'->new($idfile, 'r'))
102 37 60 if $lastid < $$rs{'id'}
111 2 1 if ($idfile)
112 2 0 if (my $fh = 'IO::File'->new($idfile, 'w+'))
140 4 35 if ($dist and $dist ne $$row{'dist'})
151 21 18 if ($data{$$row{'version'}}) { }
160 11 28 if $lastid < $$row{'id'}
163 2 0 if ($dist)
173 1 1 if ($idfile)
174 1 0 if (my $fh = 'IO::File'->new($idfile, 'w+'))
193 2 9 if ($dist and $dist ne $$row{'dist'})
219 1 0 if ($dist)
244 2 3 if $mess
246 4 1 if ($full)
273 0 8 unless GetOptions \%options, 'clean', 'config=s', 'help|h', 'version|v'
282 15 9 unless not defined $options{$_} and defined $hash{$_}
286 2 6 if $options{'help'}
287 1 5 if $options{'version'}
289 1 4 unless $options{'config'}
290 1 3 unless -f $options{'config'}
301 0 6 unless $cfg->SectionExists($dbname)
303 6 0 $opts{'driver'} =~ /SQLite/i ? :
305 0 6 unless $$self{$dbname}{'dbh'}
308 0 3 if $options{'clean'}
313 50 32 unless my $log = $self->logfile
314 1 31 unless -f $log
316 1 31 $self->logclean ? :
322 0 32 unless my $fh = 'IO::File'->new($log, $mode)