Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 44 59.0

line true false branch
28 0 1 unless $self->mailrc
29 0 1 unless $self->dists_and_mods
40 0 1 if ($ignore and ref $ignore eq 'ARRAY')
44 0 105 if ($pat and $cpan_file =~ /^($pat)/)
50 0 105 unless $d->maturity eq 'released'
55 0 105 unless ($dist_name and $dist_vers and $cpanid)
62 0 105 if ($pat and $dist_name =~ /^($pat)$/)
67 94 11 if (not $dists->{$dist_name} or vcmp($dist_vers, $dists->{$dist_name}{'dist_vers'}) > 0)
81 62 544 unless ($dist_name and $dists->{$dist_name})
105 0 1 $self->{'keep_source_where'} ? :
106 0 1 unless check_file('modules/02packages.details.txt.gz', $packages)
111 1 8 if $shift =~ /^\s*$/
116 225 381 if $mod_vers eq 'undef'
129 0 1 $self->{'keep_source_where'} ? :
130 0 1 unless check_file('authors/01mailrc.txt.gz', $mailrc)
139 0 4 unless $cpanid
141 4 0 if ($authinfo =~ /([^<]+)\<(.*)\>/) { }
157 0 2 unless ($file)
161 0 2 unless (-f $file)
171 0 2 unless my $gz = &gzopen($file, 'rb')
176 0 2 if $CPAN::SQLite::Info::gzerrno != Z_STREAM_END()
184 0 8 unless $string