Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 83 120 69.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
279 38 80 0 $result->{'is_make'} and -f '' || _has_recursive_make()
395 119 0 4 $config->{'send_skipfile'} and -r $config->{'send_skipfile'}
444 0 0 118 defined $transport and length $transport
576 119 10 34 $grade eq 'pass' and $result->{'phase'} ne 'PL'
595 130 3482 2 $result->{'phase'} eq 'test' and $line =~ m[open3: IO::Pipe: Can't spawn.*?TAP/Parser/Iterator/]
619 37 23 47 $result->{'is_make'} and $result->{'phase'} eq 'test'
60 46 1 $result->{'is_make'} and $result->{'phase'} eq 'test' and not _has_test_target()
8 84 14 $grade ne 'pass' and $result->{'prereq_pm'} =~ m[n/a]ism
8 76 8 $grade ne 'pass' and $result->{'prereq_pm'} =~ /^\s+!/ism
67 9 8 $result->{'phase'} eq 'PL' and $grade eq 'pass'
76 3 5 $result->{'phase'} eq 'PL' and $grade eq 'pass' and not -f 'Makefile'
12 3 2 $result->{'phase'} eq 'PL' and $grade eq 'pass' and not -f 'Makefile' and not -f 'Build'
24 49 7 $result->{'is_make'} and $result->{'phase'} eq 'make'
73 6 1 $result->{'is_make'} and $result->{'phase'} eq 'make' and grep {/Makefile out-of-date with respect to Makefile.PL/;} @$output
821 0 0 173 defined $output and defined $exit_value
823 0 0 0 defined $output and not defined $exit_value
976 2 709 0 defined $_ and ref $_ ne 'HASH'
990 107 0 72 $dist->{'build_dir'} and -d $dist->{'build_dir'}
999 2 0 2 ref $yaml[0] eq 'HASH' and ref $yaml[0]{'configure_requires'} eq 'HASH'
1066 0 0 138 defined $msg and length $msg
1162 0 115 2 -d $confdir and -f $comment_file
115 0 2 -d $confdir and -f $comment_file and -r $comment_file
1260 176 0 0 $^O eq 'MSWin32' and eval 'require Win32'
1560 0 0 3719 defined $mod and defined $met
0 0 3719 defined $mod and defined $met and defined $have

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
570 169 0 $result->{'grade_msg'} || ''
771 0 76 $ENV{'PERL5OPT'} || ''
1055 136 43 $report || " No requirements found\n"
1079 0 328 $extra ||= ''
1084 328 0 $config->{$option} || ''
1359 0 0 $timeout ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
123 6 6 158 $timeout ||= $config->{'command_timeout'}
279 13 3 64 -f '' || _has_recursive_make()
326 32 10 76 $result->{'grade'} eq 'pass' || $result->{'grade'} eq 'unknown'
601 6 0 3606 $line =~ /(?<!skipped: )Perl .*? required.*?--this is only/ism or $line =~ /Perl version .*? or higher required\. We run/ism
6 2 3604 $line =~ /(?<!skipped: )Perl .*? required.*?--this is only/ism or $line =~ /Perl version .*? or higher required\. We run/ism or $line =~ /ERROR: perl: Version .*? is installed, but we need version/ism
2 0 3604 $line =~ /(?<!skipped: )Perl .*? required.*?--this is only/ism or $line =~ /Perl version .*? or higher required\. We run/ism or $line =~ /ERROR: perl: Version .*? is installed, but we need version/ism or $line =~ /ERROR: perl \(.*?\) is installed, but we need version/ism
2 0 3604 $line =~ /(?<!skipped: )Perl .*? required.*?--this is only/ism or $line =~ /Perl version .*? or higher required\. We run/ism or $line =~ /ERROR: perl: Version .*? is installed, but we need version/ism or $line =~ /ERROR: perl \(.*?\) is installed, but we need version/ism or $line =~ /Error evaling version line 'BEGIN/ism
0 0 3604 $line =~ /(?<!skipped: )Perl .*? required.*?--this is only/ism or $line =~ /Perl version .*? or higher required\. We run/ism or $line =~ /ERROR: perl: Version .*? is installed, but we need version/ism or $line =~ /ERROR: perl \(.*?\) is installed, but we need version/ism or $line =~ /Error evaling version line 'BEGIN/ism or $line =~ /Could not eval '/ism
619 8 4 113 $version_error or $result->{'prereq_pm'} =~ /^\s+!\s+perl\s/ism
823 0 0 0 defined $output || defined $exit_value
1086 53 0 275 $dispatch->{$grade} || $dispatch->{'default'}