Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 86 104 82.6

line true false branch
47 0 9 if (my $err = $@)
48 0 0 unless eval "use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version"
58 2 446 ref $sv eq 'B::PVMG' ? :
60 1 0 if ($magic->TYPE eq 'V') { }
80 0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "UNIVERSAL")
88 359 455 if (not defined $version or not ref $version and $version eq '0') { }
271 184 elsif (ref $version eq 'version' or ref $version and _isa_version($version)) { }
96 0 184 if ($INC{'version/'} or $INC{'ExtUtils/MakeMaker/version/'})
98 0 0 if length $magic
101 0 0 if ($] < "5.008001" and not $version =~ /\A[0-9]/ and substr($version, 0, 1) ne "v" and length $version < 3)
107 1 183 if $version eq "version"
110 6 178 if (my $err = $@)
111 4 2 if ref $bad_version_hook eq "CODE"
113 3 3 unless (eval { do { $vobj->isa("version") } })
121 0 452 if ($vobj =~ /\A\./)
126 21 431 if (_is_qv($vobj))
180 4 444 unless (defined $req and length $req)
186 1 447 if (length $magic)
195 433 22 if (not defined $op) { }
199 0 22 unless my $methods = $methods_for_op{$op}
230 678 125 unless ref $_[0]
238 123 2 exists $s->{'minimum'} ? :
12 113 exists $s->{'maximum'} ? :
12 113 exists $s->{'exclusions'} ? :
262 1 10 unless ($self->accepts($version))
275 27 763 if (defined $self->{'minimum'} and defined $self->{'maximum'})
276 2 25 if ($self->{'minimum'} == $self->{'maximum'})
277 1 1 unless $self->{'exclusions'}
1 1 if (grep {$_ == $self->{'minimum'};} @{[] unless $self->{'exclusions'};})
287 2 23 if ($self->{'minimum'} > $self->{'maximum'})
296 28 758 if ($self->{'exclusions'})
303 26 1 if !defined($self->{'minimum'}) || $_ >= $self->{'minimum'} and !defined($self->{'maximum'}) || $_ <= $self->{'maximum'}
330 91 654 if (defined(my $old_min = $self->{'minimum'})) { }
359 1 23 if (defined(my $old_max = $self->{'maximum'})) { }
401 263 1 if exists $self->{'minimum'}
402 3 261 if exists $self->{'maximum'}
403 263 1 unless $self->{'exclusions'}
419 0 401 unless keys %$self
421 389 12 unless $self->{'exclusions'}
430 413 389 if (exists $self->{$k})
432 412 1 if (@new_exclusions == @exclusions) { }
462 383 17 if @parts == 1 and $parts[0][0] eq ">="
488 9 69 if defined $self->{'minimum'} and $version < $self->{'minimum'}
489 6 63 if defined $self->{'maximum'} and $version > $self->{'maximum'}
491 6 57 if defined $self->{'exclusions'} and grep {$version == $_;} @{$$self{"exclusions"};}
506 1 3 if $self->as_string =~ /\s/
520 0 9 if (my $err = $@)
521 0 0 unless eval "use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version"
543 2 1 if $self->accepts($version)
556 0 1 if $self->{'version'} >= $minimum
568 2 1 if $self->{'version'} <= $maximum
580 2 1 unless $exclusion == $self->{'version'}