Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 58 102 56.8

line true false branch
48 0 10 unless $dh->open($dirname)
51 20 50 if $de =~ /^\./
52 9 41 if substr($de, 0, 9) eq "CHECKSUMS"
53 0 41 if $CPAN::Checksums::IGNORE_MATCH and $de =~ /$CPAN::Checksums::IGNORE_MATCH/
61 0 41 if ($CPAN::Checksums::TRY_SHORTNAME)
66 0 0 if length $suffix > 3
68 0 0 if ($shortname =~ /\-/) { }
79 0 0 if length $p[0] > $counter
80 0 0 if length $p[1] > $counter--
82 0 0 $suffix ? :
88 0 0 if (++$counter > 1000)
100 0 41 if (-l "File::Spec"->catdir($dirname, $de))
108 0 41 if (-d 'File::Spec'->catdir($dirname, $de)) { }
111 0 41 unless my(@stat) = stat $abs
120 4 111 if (not exists $old_dref->{$de}{$param} or $dref->{$de}{$param} ne $old_dref->{$de}{$param})
126 0 10 if ($can_reuse_old_md5 and $de =~ /\.(gz|tgz|bz2|tbz)$/ and exists $old_dref->{$de}{'md5'} and not exists $old_dref->{$de}{'md5-ungz'} and not exists $old_dref->{$de}{'md5-unbz2'})
134 37 4 if ($can_reuse_old_md5) { }
136 64 47 unless exists $old_dref->{$de}{$param}
156 9 1 if ($fh->open($ckfn))
159 9 318 if /^\#/
160 0 318 if /SIGNED MESSAGE/
179 9 1 if ($old_ddump)
181 9 0 if (!!$CPAN::Checksums::SIGNING_KEY == !!$is_signed)
182 8 1 if (not $CPAN::Checksums::MIN_MTIME_CHECKSUMS or $ckfnstat[9] > $CPAN::Checksums::MIN_MTIME_CHECKSUMS)
184 4 4 if $old_ddump eq $ddump
185 0 4 if &ckcmp($old_dref, $dref)
188 1 4 if ($CPAN::Checksums::CAUTION)
190 1 0 if $report
193 0 6 unless my $ft = "File::Temp"->new("DIR", $dirname, "TEMPLATE", "CHECKSUMS.XXXX", "CLEANUP", 0)
201 0 6 unless open $fh, ">$tckfn\000"
204 0 6 if ($CPAN::Checksums::SIGNING_KEY)
207 0 0 unless open $fh, "| $CPAN::Checksums::SIGNING_PROGRAM $CPAN::Checksums::SIGNING_KEY >> $tckfn"
216 0 6 if ($CPAN::Checksums::SIGNING_KEY and not $success)
219 0 0 unless open $fh, ">$tckfn\000"
221 0 0 unless close $fh
223 5 1 if -f $ckfn
224 0 6 unless rename $tckfn, $ckfn
225 0 6 unless chmod 0444, $ckfn
233 0 45 unless $fh->open("$abs\000")
242 5 40 if ($de =~ /\.(gz|tgz)$/) { }
5 35 elsif ($de =~ /\.(bz2|tbz)$/) { }
244 5 0 if (exists $old_dref->{$de}{$keyname} and $dref->{$de}{$keyname} eq $old_dref->{$de}{$keyname} and exists $old_dref->{$de}{"$keyname-ungz"})
251 0 0 if ($zip = &Compress::Zlib::gzopen($abs, "rb"))
259 5 0 if (exists $old_dref->{$de}{$keyname} and $dref->{$de}{$keyname} eq $old_dref->{$de}{$keyname} and exists $old_dref->{$de}{"$keyname-unbz2"})
266 0 0 if ($zip = &Compress::Bzip2::bzopen($abs, "rb"))
291 7 0 if (exists $old->{$dist})
295 12 30 unless exists $old->{$dist}{$diff} and exists $new->{$dist}{$diff}
296 27 3 if $old->{$dist}{$diff} eq $new->{$dist}{$diff}
297 1 2 unless $headersaid++
311 10 10 unless (ref $_ eq "HASH")
316 0 10 if $@