Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 28 57.1

line true false branch
18 0 1 unless @inc
19 1 0 if defined $_
23 0 1 if $self->{'include_perl'}
29 1 4 if ($path and -f $path and /\.pm$/)
30 0 1 unless my $module = module_from_file($path)
32 0 1 unless my $distname = $self->{'db'}{'module2dist'}{$module}
35 1 0 if ($dist->{'main_module'} eq $module)
36 0 1 if $seen{$module}++
38 0 1 unless my $version = module_version($path)
42 0 1 if ($self->{'cb'})
69 0 1 if (eval { do { $version->can("numify") } })
80 0 1 unless open my $fh, "<", $path
82 1 8 if ($line =~ /package\s+(.*?)\s*;/ms)
89 0 1 unless $module