Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 40 47.5

line true false branch
30 4 0 if (defined(my $content = delete $arg{'content'}))
32 0 4 if (my $encoding = delete $arg{'encoding'}) { }
4 0 elsif (ref $content) { }
33 0 0 unless $decode{$encoding}
37 0 4 unless $content = 'IO::File'->new($content, '<')
42 0 4 unless $status == 0
45 0 4 unless ref $content or defined $arg{'path'}
61 0 78 unless length $a <=> length $b
66 0 26 unless (@rslt)
67 0 0 unless length $a <=> length $b
73 0 26 if defined $base and '' ne $base and not $base =~ m[ / \z ]msx
92 0 16 unless my $member = $self->archive->memberNamed($file)
100 0 0 unless my $member = $self->archive->memberNamed($file)
112 1 4 unless $handled{$rslt->header('Content-Type')}
140 12 24 if $file->isDirectory
143 0 24 unless $name =~ s/ $base //msx
153 1 0 unless (defined $fn)
159 1 0 unless defined $encoding
161 0 1 if (defined $encoding and '' ne $encoding)
165 0 1 unless $status == 0