Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 92 0.0

line true false branch
23 0 0 unless my $obj = 'CPAN::Shell'->expandany($c)
24 0 0 if ($obj->id eq $self->id)
45 0 0 if exists $self->{'incommandcolor'} and $color == 1 and $self->{'incommandcolor'} == $color
46 0 0 if ($depth >= $CPAN::MAX_RECURSION)
48 0 0 if ($e->is_resolvable) { }
57 0 0 unless my $obj = 'CPAN::Shell'->expandany($c)
58 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
82 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
83 0 0 if ($inst_file and 'CPAN::Version'->vlt($self->inst_version, $self->cpan_version))
86 0 0 unless ($inst_file)
88 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
90 0 0 unless $cpan_file = $self->cpan_file
92 0 0 if ($cpan_file eq 'N/A')
98 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
100 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
109 0 0 unless File::Copy::copy($from, $to)
116 0 0 unless open $fh, $inst_file
118 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
120 0 0 /^=head1\s+(?i-xsm:CONTENTS)/ ? :
0 0 /^=(?!head1\s+(?i-xsm:CONTENTS))/ ? :
122 0 0 unless $in_cont
123 0 0 if /^=/
125 0 0 if /^\s+$/
132 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
133 0 0 unless (@result)
148 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
153 0 0 unless (-f $manifest)
160 0 0 unless my $fh = 'FileHandle'->new($manifest)
167 0 0 if /^\s*\#/
169 0 0 if ($file =~ /\Q$what\E$/)
175 0 0 if $file =~ /\Q$bundle_filename\E$/
177 0 0 if $bundle_unixpath
197 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
198 0 0 unless -f $parsefile
200 0 0 if ($@)
203 0 0 if (not $bestv or 'CPAN::Version'->vgt($have, $bestv))
221 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
223 0 0 unless $self->inst_file or $self->cpan_file
227 0 0 $s =~ /^Bundle::/ ? :
0 0 $s =~ m[/] ? :
229 0 0 if ($type eq 'CPAN::Distribution')
238 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
283 0 0 unless $self->SUPER::uptodate
287 0 0 unless $obj->uptodate
295 0 0 unless my($file) = $self->cpan_file
297 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG