Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 82 0.0

line true false branch
25 0 0 if (ref $defn) { }
44 0 0 unless ($node->isa('Parameter'))
48 0 0 if (exists $$node{'doc'})
51 0 0 if (/^\s*\@\s*([\s0-9A-Z_a-z]+):\s*(.*)/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^\s*\@\s*([A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*)\s+(.*)/) { }
67 0 0 if (exists $$node{'id'}) { }
71 0 0 if (exists $$node{'version'})
83 0 0 if ($name =~ /^::/) { }
0 0 elsif ($name =~ /^[0-9A-Z_a-z]+$/) { }
94 0 0 if defined $defn or $scope eq ''
102 0 0 unless scalar @list > 1
108 0 0 if (defined $scope)
120 0 0 $text =~ s/\A(\s+)//s ? :
121 0 0 $text =~ s/(\s+)\Z//s ? :
129 0 0 if $word =~ /^\s*$/
130 0 0 if ($word =~ /^[\w:]+$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($word =~ m[^\w+://\w]) { }
0 0 elsif ($word =~ /^[\w.-]+\@[\w.-]+/) { }
133 0 0 if (defined $node and exists $$node{'file_html'} and $word =~ /$$node{'idf'}/)
158 0 0 if (defined $doc)
168 0 0 unless ($node->isa('Parameter'))
171 0 0 if (defined $doc) { }
183 0 0 if scalar @{$tags;}
187 0 0 if defined $javadoc and lc $entry eq 'param'
192 0 0 if scalar @{$tags;}
283 0 0 if exists $self->_get_defn($_)->{'doc'}
286 0 0 if ($doc_member)
314 0 0 if exists $self->_get_defn($$_{'element'}{'value'})->{'doc'}
317 0 0 if ($doc_member)
338 0 0 if exists $$_{'doc'}
341 0 0 if ($doc_member)
376 0 0 if (scalar(@{$$node{'list_in'};}) + scalar(@{$$node{'list_inout'};}) + scalar(@{$$node{'list_out'};}))
379 0 0 if (scalar @{$$node{'list_in'};})
380 0 0 if (scalar @{$$node{'list_in'};} > 1) { }
393 0 0 if (scalar @{$$node{'list_inout'};})
394 0 0 if (scalar @{$$node{'list_inout'};} > 1) { }
407 0 0 if (scalar @{$$node{'list_out'};})
408 0 0 if (scalar @{$$node{'list_out'};} > 1) { }
430 0 0 unless (defined $doc)
435 0 0 if (lc $entry eq 'param' and $javadoc =~ /^$$node{'idf'}/)
442 0 0 if (defined $doc) { }