Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 47 21.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
18 7 0 0 $attributes{'repeatable'} and not defined $attributes{'format'}
21 7 0 0 $attributes{'repeatable'} and defined $attributes{'format'}
118 0 0 2 defined $option_name and $options->{$option_name}{'format'}
167 10 0 5 @ARGV and $ARGV[0] ne '--'
270 0 0 0 @messages and &blessed($messages[0])
0 0 0 @messages and &blessed($messages[0]) and $messages[0]->isa('CLI::Osprey::Descriptive::Usage')
293 0 0 0 defined $usage and &blessed($usage)
0 0 0 defined $usage and &blessed($usage) and $usage->isa('CLI::Osprey::Descriptive::Usage')
312 0 0 0 defined $usage and &blessed($usage)
0 0 0 defined $usage and &blessed($usage) and $usage->isa('CLI::Osprey::Descriptive::Usage')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
34 0 0 $options->{$a}{'order'} || 9999
0 0 $options->{$b}{'order'} || 9999
110 2 0 $dash || ''
0 2 $negative || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
34 0 0 0 ($options->{$a}{'order'} || 9999) <=> ($options->{$b}{'order'} || 9999) or $config->{'added_order'} ? $options->{$a}{'added_order'} <=> $options->{$b}{'added_order'} : 0
85 0 0 7 $arg eq '--' or $arg eq '-'
0 5 2 $arg eq '--' or $arg eq '-' or not $arg =~ /^-/