Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 58 31.0

line true false branch
25 0 1 if ($$self{'screen_func'} = $self->can($screen . '_data')) { }
1 0 elsif ($$self{'screen_func'} = $self->can($screen . '_screen')) { }
38 0 1 if (@screen_last_name > 1 and $screen_last_name[-2] eq $screen) { }
0 1 elsif (not $$self{'dont_cut_loops'} and @screen_last_name and $screen_last_name[-1] eq $screen) { }
60 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
69 0 0 unless my $user = $query->param('screen_user')
70 0 0 unless my $passwd = $query->param('screen_passwd')
81 0 1 if (@_ > 1 and $_[0] eq '-screen')
90 0 1 if (my $func = $self->can('check_auth_ip'))
91 0 0 unless &$func($self, $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'})
95 0 1 if (my $func = $self->can('check_auth_user'))
96 0 0 unless $self->_check_auth_user
102 0 2 if (/^screen_function(.*)$/)
103 0 0 if ($self->_set_screen($1))
129 165 2 unless (exists $old{$sym} or defined &{"CGI::Screen::$sym";})
131 1 164 if $sym =~ /^(BEGIN|DESTROY|END)$/
134 0 15 if (ref $_[0] and eval { do { $_[0]->isa('CGI::Screen') } })
140 13 2 if (@_ and $_[0] eq '-name')
155 5 0 if (my $code = $$self{'cgi'}->can($func)) { }
160 2 16 if (@_ > 1 and $_[0] eq '-name')
170 0 0 if (@_ > 1 and $_[0] eq '-name')
180 0 0 ref $method eq 'CODE' ? :
0 0 unless my $func = ref $method eq 'CODE' ? $method : $query->can($method)
192 0 0 unless $$query{'no_headers'}
194 0 0 unless $$query{'no_headers'}
257 0 0 if exists $$query{'passed'}{$param}
258 0 0 if defined $query->param($param)
283 0 0 if exists $parm{$param}
343 0 0 if /^screen_/