Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 237 0.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
311 0 0 not $$self{'keep_no_form_session'} || scalar keys %{$self->this_form;} and scalar keys %{$self->session;}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
192 0 0 0 ref $PASSED_ARGS{$passed_arg} and ref $PASSED_ARGS{$passed_arg} eq 'HASH'
326 0 0 0 $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} and $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}
443 0 0 0 $$self{'allow_history'} and $self->form->{$$self{'history_key'}}
534 0 0 0 $$form{'_printed_pages'} && $$form{'_printed_pages'}[-1]
624 0 0 0 $info_exists and $validated
717 0 0 0 $potential_page_to_print and not ref $potential_page_to_print
0 0 0 $potential_page_to_print and not ref $potential_page_to_print and not $potential_page_to_print =~ /^\d+$/
806 0 0 0 $$val_hash{$val_key} and ref $$val_hash{$val_key}
0 0 0 $$val_hash{$val_key} and ref $$val_hash{$val_key} and ref $$val_hash{$val_key} eq 'HASH'
807 0 0 0 $$val_hash{$val_key}{'WipeOnBack'} and not exists $self->this_form->{$val_key}
0 0 0 $$val_hash{$val_key}{'WipeOnBack'} and not exists $self->this_form->{$val_key} and exists $self->form->{$val_key}
879 0 0 0 $$val_hash{$_} and $$unvalidated_keys{$_}
0 0 0 $$val_hash{$_} and $$unvalidated_keys{$_} and $$form{$_}
0 0 0 $$val_hash{$_} and $$unvalidated_keys{$_} and $$form{$_} and not $$val_hash{$_ . '_error'}
919 0 0 0 $step_hash and $$step_hash{'validate_ref'}
924 0 0 0 $$self{'validate_refs'}{$self->my_content} and $$self{'validate_refs'}{$self->my_content}{$step}
991 0 0 0 $self->non_empty_val_ref($step) and $self->info_exists($step, $self->this_form)
1077 0 0 0 $page && $self->form->{'_printed_pages'} && ref $self->form->{'_printed_pages'} eq 'ARRAY' && scalar @{$self->form->{'_printed_pages'};} && $self->form->{'_printed_pages'}[-1] eq $page
1092 0 0 0 $self->page_was_just_printed($this_step) and $self->fresh_form_info_exists($this_step)
1105 0 0 0 $pre_val_return && $return
1156 0 0 0 $post_val_return && $return
1227 0 0 0 ref $errors and ref $errors eq 'HASH'
1257 0 0 0 $smart_merge and exists $self->fill->{$_}
1291 0 0 0 $$self{'htm'} and $$self{'htm'}{$step}
1310 0 0 0 $content and ref $content
0 0 0 $content and ref $content and ref $content eq 'SCALAR'
1386 0 0 0 $hash and ref $hash
0 0 0 $hash and ref $hash and ref $hash eq 'HASH'
1452 0 0 0 $step and $$printed_mail[-1]
0 0 0 $step and $$printed_mail[-1] and $step eq $$printed_mail[-1]
1464 0 0 0 $step and $$printed_pages[-1]
0 0 0 $step and $$printed_pages[-1] and $step eq $$printed_pages[-1]
1563 0 0 0 defined $$ref and length $$ref
1575 0 0 0 $step and $step =~ /\.xml/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
14 0 0 $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} || ''
185 0 0 $self->cookies->{$self->sid_cookie_name} || ''
350 0 0 shift() || die('need a cookie_name for delete_cookie')
364 0 0 $self->initial_step || die('need an initial_step')
435 0 0 $$self{$$self{'form_keyname'}} ||= {}
492 0 0 $$self{'_history'} ||= {}
500 0 0 shift() || die('need a step')
517 0 0 shift() || die('need a hook history hash')
776 0 0 shift() || die('need a val_ref')
777 0 0 $$self{'form_name'} || die('need a form name')
850 0 0 {%{$self->form;}} || {}
863 0 0 $$form{'_validated'} || {}
897 0 0 $$self{'path_hash'} || die('need a hash ref for $self->{path_hash}')
902 0 0 $$self{'my_path'}{$self->my_content} ||= {}
909 0 0 $self->my_path->{$step} ||= {}
965 0 0 shift() || die('need a $base_page for page_name_helper')
1086 0 0 $self->form->{'_validated'} || {}
1163 0 0 delete $$validated{$check_page} || ''
1232 0 0 $$self{'my_form'}{'errors'} ||= {}
1246 0 0 $$self{'fill'} ||= {}
1273 0 0 shift() || die('need a page to $self->out')
1274 0 0 shift() || {}
1383 0 0 shift() || []
1393 0 0 $$self{'uber_form'} ||= {}
1394 0 0 $$self{'uber_form'}{'fill'} ||= {}
1406 0 0 $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} || ''
1407 0 0 $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} || ''
1413 0 0 shift() || die('need a $step_filename to $self->process')
1414 0 0 shift() || {}
1451 0 0 $self->session->{'printed_mail'} || []
1463 0 0 $self->session->{'_printed_pages'} || []
1478 0 0 $$self{'form_name'} || die('need a form name')
1480 0 0 $$self{'create_page'} ||= {}
1485 0 0 $$self{'create_page'}{'header'} ||= "\n\n\n created step: [% full_step %]\n\n\n"
1508 0 0 $$self{'create_page'}{'table_open'} ||= '' \n \n \n \n[% END %]\n \n"
1509 0 0 $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} ||= ''
1510 0 0 $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} ||= ''
1512 0 0 $$self{'create_page'}{'form'} ||= "[% FOREACH hash = validating_keys %]\n
[% %]
1521 0 0 $$self{'create_page'}{'form_close'} ||= ''
1522 0 0 $$self{'create_page'}{'table_close'} ||= '
1523 0 0 $$self{'create_page'}{'footer'} ||= "\n\n"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
75 0 0 0 $$self{'my_module'} ||= ref $self
206 0 0 0 shift() || $self->my_module
296 0 0 0 $$self{'my_content'} ||= do { my $my_content = lc $self->my_module; my $this_package = 'CGI::Path'; $my_content =~ s/^$this_package:://i; $my_content =~ s[::][/]g; $my_content }
311 0 0 0 $$self{'keep_no_form_session'} || scalar keys %{$self->this_form;}
409 0 0 0 $$self{'this_form'} ||= do { my $cgi = 'CGI'->new; my(%form) = $cgi->Vars; foreach $_ (keys %form) { next unless $form{$_} =~ /\0/; $form{$_} = [split(/\0/, $form{$_}, 0)]; } ; \%form }
652 0 0 0 not $info_exists or $$self{'magic_fill_regardless'}
738 0 0 0 $page_to_print ||= $self->my_content . "/$step"
741 0 0 0 $$self{'my_form'}{'js_validation'} ||= $self->generate_js_validation($val_ref)
975 0 0 0 shift() || $self->include_path
1025 0 0 0 shift() || $self->form
1311 0 0 0 shift() || $self->fill
1334 0 0 0 $_script ||= $script
1354 0 0 0 shift() || $$self{'magic_fill_filename'}
1462 0 0 0 shift() || $$self{'this_step'}{'this_step'}
1507 0 0 0 $$self{'create_page'}{'js'} ||= $self->generate_js_validation($validate_ref)
1511 0 0 0 $$self{'create_page'}{'form_open'} ||= "