Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 157 168 93.4

line true false branch
645 2 1 if (defined $newval)
646 1 1 $newval ? :
654 1 6 unless defined $limit
655 3 3 if ($limit =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { }
667 1 2253 unless $directory
670 2251 2 if (-d _ and -r _ and -w _) { }
683 1 2 if ($mime_type and not exists $self->{'convert'}{$mime_type})
693 1 1 if ($self->{'convert'}{$mime_type}) { }
713 1 10 unless defined $platform
714 6 4 if ($platform =~ /^(?:PC|NT|Windows(?:95)?|DOS)/i) { }
3 1 elsif ($platform =~ /^Mac(?:intosh)?/i) { }
727 1 2 if ($type =~ /^handle$/i) { }
738 3 2 if ($value == 0 or $value == 1 or $value == 2) { }
749 5 1 if (defined $value)
750 3 2 if ($value =~ /^[1-3]$/) { }
773 1 2241 if ($buffer_size < 256) { }
37 2204 elsif ($buffer_size > $content_length) { }
810 1 2266 unless (ref $self)
816 1 2266 if ($self->{'size_limit'} > -1 and $content_length > $self->{'size_limit'})
822 5 2261 if ($request_method =~ /^(get|head)$/i) { }
2259 2 elsif ($request_method =~ /^post$/i) { }
827 1 4 wantarray ? :
831 6 2253 if (not $content_type or $content_type =~ m[^application/x-www-form-urlencoded]) { }
2252 1 elsif ($content_type =~ m[multipart/form-data]) { }
837 1 5 wantarray ? :
841 1 2251 if ($self->{'deny_uploads'})
849 1 2250 wantarray ? :
872 1 1 wantarray ? :
885 1 43 wantarray ? :
892 2 2 wantarray ? :
904 1 4 if (ref $value) { }
924 1 3 unless $length
939 1 3 ref $array ? :
959 5 2307 if ($self->{'error_status'}) { }
970 1 1 if $self->{'error_message'}
990 0 1 unless (eval { do { $self->isa('CGI::Lite') } })
1005 0 14 unless (eval { do { $self->isa('CGI::Lite') } })
1022 0 274 unless (eval { do { $self->isa('CGI::Lite') } })
1039 0 256 unless (eval { do { $self->isa('CGI::Lite') } })
1046 19 237 if ($string =~ /[;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"]/) { }
1087 2 55 unless $$reference_data
1093 44 11 if ($type eq 'cookies') { }
1107 6 126 unless defined $value
1110 2 130 unless defined $key
1112 93 37 if ($type eq 'cookies')
1122 18 112 if (defined $self->{'web_data'}{$key}) { }
1123 6 12 if ($type eq 'cookies' and $self->{'unique_cookies'} > 0)
1124 2 4 if ($self->{'unique_cookies'} == 1) { }
2 2 elsif ($self->{'unique_cookies'} == 2) { }
1134 12 2 unless ref $self->{'web_data'}{$key}
1177 6357 6033 if ($byte_count < $total_bytes) { }
3782 2251 elsif ($old_data) { }
1180 2211 4146 if $bytes_left < $buffer_size
1183 3 6354 if length $new_data != $buffer_size
1188 4104 2253 if ($old_data) { }
1211 9596 543 if ($current_buffer =~ /$boundary_re/) { }
543 0 elsif ($old_data) { }
1215 7281 2315 if ($current_buffer =~ /[Cc]ontent-[Dd]isposition: ([^\015\012]+)\015?\012 # Disposition (?:([A-Za-z].*?)(?:\015?\012))? # Headers (?:\015?\012) # End (?=(.*)) # Other Data /sx) { }
64 2251 elsif ($byte_count < $total_bytes) { }
1232 5008 2273 if ref $handle and fileno $handle
1234 3502 3779 if ($mime_type and $self->{'convert'}{$mime_type}) { }
1245 5999 16 do { ref $self->{'mime_types'}{$field} } ? :
6015 1266 $self->{'mime_types'}{$field} ? :
1254 23 7258 if ($seen->{$field} > 1) { }
1257 15 8 unless ref $self->{'web_data'}{$field}
1262 7257 24 if (($file) = $disposition =~ /filename="(.*)"/)
1268 7 7250 if (ref $self->{'web_data'}{$field}) { }
1278 0 7257 unless open $handle, '>', $full_path
1292 2858 7281 unless ($changed)
1298 2249 2 if $handle and fileno $handle
1302 0 2251 if $@
1304 1 2250 if $self->{'file_type'} eq 'handle'
1312 7864 2275 if ($file) { }
24 2251 elsif ($field) { }
1313 4066 3798 if ($convert)
1314 0 4066 if ($platform eq 'PC') { }
1318 4066 0 if $platform ne 'Mac'
1319 0 4066 if $platform ne 'Unix'
1327 16 8 if ($seen->{$field} > 1) { }
1341 6235 1023 if ref $self->{'filter'} eq 'CODE'
1346 6230 1028 if (not $self->{'timestamp'}) { }
1013 15 elsif ($self->{'timestamp'} == 1) { }
1355 12 3 -e $path ? :
1368 0 5 unless open $handle, '<', $path