Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 5 20 25.0

line true false branch
33 0 0 if ($self->plugin and $self->plugin->session)
34 0 0 unless ($self->plugin->session->{'saveOnDestroy'} == 0)
124 0 0 if (scalar @_ % 2 == 0) { }
134 0 0 if ($self->plugin) { }
135 0 0 if ($self->plugin->session and $self->session)
183 0 1 if ($self->plugin->session)
187 0 1 if ($self->plugin->authn)
191 0 1 if ($self->plugin->authz)
195 0 1 if ($self->plugin->mod_perl)
229 0 1 if ($$self{'_template'}{$template}) { }