Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 110 0.0

line true false branch
192 0 0 if ($attribute eq 'custom_validation_methods')
196 0 0 if ($$self{'invalid'})
201 0 0 if ($debug > 0)
212 0 0 if ($debug > 1)
217 0 0 if ($form->submitted) { }
219 0 0 if $debug > 1
220 0 0 if (not $invalid) { }
255 0 0 unless (defined $debug_level)
268 0 0 if ($debug_level > 0)
300 0 0 if $debug > 0
306 0 0 if ($debug > 0)
314 0 0 if $debug > 1
334 0 0 if $debug > 1
339 0 0 if ($debug > 1)
342 0 0 if ($$self{'cfg'}->param("$stanza.enabled")) { }
347 0 0 if ($debug > 1)
350 0 0 if ($$self{'cfg'}->param("$field_stanza.enabled"))
397 0 0 if ($$self{'cfg'}->param("$field_stanza.enabled"))
398 0 0 if $debug > 2
399 0 0 if (not $$self{'cfg'}->param("$field_stanza.validate") =~ /^&/) { }
403 0 0 if ($$self{'cfg'}->param("$field_stanza.require")) { }
404 0 0 if ($form->$field =~ /$regex/) { }
0 0 elsif (not length $form->$field) { }
0 0 elsif (not defined $form->$field) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $form->$field and $form->$field eq '') { }
416 0 0 if ($form->$field =~ /$regex/) { }
0 0 elsif ($form->$field eq '' or not defined $form->$field) { }
428 0 0 if $debug > 3
430 0 0 if (ref $valid_options eq 'ARRAY') { }
433 0 0 if ($form->$field =~ /$key/)
445 0 0 if ($invalid)
447 0 0 if defined $form->$field
449 0 0 if $debug > 2
475 0 0 if ($debug > 5)
478 0 0 if ($$self{'cfg'}->param("$stanza.enabled")) { }
483 0 0 if ($debug > 5)
486 0 0 unless ($$self{'cfg'}->param("$field_stanza.disabled"))
515 0 0 if ($debug > 6)
522 0 0 if ($debug > 6)
526 0 0 if ($attribute eq 'validation_error')
527 0 0 if ($attribute eq 'enabled')
528 0 0 if ($attribute eq 'disabled')
530 0 0 if (defined $value)
531 0 0 if ($value =~ /^&/) { }
0 0 elsif (not $value =~ /^&/) { }
534 0 0 if ($attribute eq 'label') { }
0 0 elsif ($attribute eq 'options') { }
0 0 elsif ($attribute eq 'value') { }
535 0 0 if ($debug > 6)
540 0 0 if (ref $values eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $values eq 'HASH') { }
541 0 0 if ($debug > 7)
546 0 0 if ($debug > 7)
554 0 0 if ($debug > 6)
584 0 0 if defined $error and $error ne ''