Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 60 73.3

line true false branch
154 2 3 if (ref $pkg_or_self) { }
156 1 1 $value ? :
160 1 2 $value ? :
232 0 0 if (not $compress and $global_give_reason and $reason)
238 0 0 unless (defined $header)
243 0 0 if (not $$self{'.CGIgz'}{'header_done'}++ and $compress)
269 18 5 defined $$settings{'use_compression'} ? :
2 21 if (defined $$settings{'use_compression'} ? !$$settings{'use_compression'} : !$global_use_compression)
279 1 20 if ($$settings{'flush'})
286 2 18 unless ($acc and $acc =~ / \bgzip\b /imsx)
300 1 17 if (@{$header;} and $$header[0] =~ / \A [a-z] /msx) { }
312 1 0 if ($i < @flags) { }
333 0 17 unless defined $newheader[$i]
335 6 11 if ($newheader[$i] =~ / \A -?(?:Content[-_]Type|Type)(.*) \z /imsx) { }
6 5 elsif ($newheader[$i] =~ / \A -?Status(.*) \z /imsx) { }
3 2 elsif ($newheader[$i] =~ / \A -?Content[-_]Encoding(.*) \z /imsx) { }
338 4 2 unless ($content_type =~ s/ \A :\s* //msx)
346 2 4 unless ($content =~ s/ \A :\s* //msx)
351 3 3 if (not defined $status or $status ne '200')
359 2 1 unless ($content =~ s/ \A :\s* //msx)
365 1 2 if ($content =~ / \bgzip\b /imsx)
373 2 12 if (defined $encoding_index) { }
384 1 13 unless ($self->isCompressibleType($content_type))
391 1 12 unless (defined $global_can_compress)
396 0 1 $CGI::Compress::Gzip::EVAL_ERROR ? :
398 0 13 unless ($global_can_compress)
418 0 0 unless ($filehandle)
453 0 1 if ($$self{'.CGIgz'}{'zlib_fh'})
455 0 0 unless $$self{'.CGIgz'}{'zlib_fh'}->close
458 0 1 if ($$self{'.CGIgz'}{'ext_fh'})