Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 629 1030 61.0

line true false branch
218 2 1 unless (@modes)
275 0 56 if ($callpack eq 'CGI::Fast')
291 2038 0 if (defined &{"${pck}::$sym";})
302 128 2128 if $tag =~ /^(?:\*|start_|end_)(.+)/
304 2035 93 unless $EXPORT_TAGS{$tag}
324 0 8 if (ref $initializer[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer[0], 'Apache') || UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer[0], 'Apache2::RequestRec'))
331 3 136 if (ref $initializer[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer[0], 'CODE'))
334 0 3 if @initializer > 0
336 0 139 if ($MOD_PERL)
337 0 0 if ($MOD_PERL == 1) { }
338 0 0 unless $self->r
341 0 0 if @SAVED_SYMBOLS
346 0 0 unless $self->r
348 0 0 unless exists $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}
350 0 0 if @SAVED_SYMBOLS
354 0 139 if $PERLEX
362 1 1 if @_
368 0 3 if (ref $_[0] eq 'CODE') { }
376 0 3 if defined $use_tempfile
404 442 658 unless @p
408 184 474 if (wantarray and $LIST_CONTEXT_WARN == 1)
410 1 183 if ($package ne 'CGI')
421 59 599 if (@p > 1) { }
425 47 12 if (substr($p[0], 0, 1) eq '-') { }
426 37 6 ref $value && ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ? :
43 4 defined $value ? :
429 4 8 if defined $_
433 47 12 if (@values or defined $value)
441 332 326 unless defined $name and $self->{'param'}{$name}
445 5 0 if ($PARAM_UTF8 and $name ne 'PUTDATA' and $name ne 'POSTDATA' and $name ne 'PATCHDATA')
446 0 5 unless 'Encode'->can('decode')
447 0 5 ref $_ ? :
450 164 162 wantarray ? :
456 2 3 if (Encode::is_utf8($val)) { }
465 1 3705 if defined $_[0] and not ref $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'CGI'
466 374 3497 unless (defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] eq 'CGI' || UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'CGI'))
469 23 351 unless defined $Q
472 3871 0 wantarray ? :
477 131 56 if (defined $_[0] and substr(ref $_[0], 0, 3) eq 'CGI' || UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'CGI')) { }
514 5 134 if (@QUERY_PARAM and not defined $initializer)
518 18 0 if (defined $val and ref $val eq 'ARRAY')
519 20 3 if defined $_ and ref $_
531 51 83 if defined $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}
532 23 111 defined $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} ? :
534 12 122 if $initializer
542 0 134 if ($POST_MAX > 0 and $content_length > $POST_MAX)
550 2 12 if ($meth eq 'POST' and defined $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} and $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ m[^multipart/form-data] and not defined $initializer)
575 12 120 if ($meth eq 'POST' and defined $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'})
576 1 11 if ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} eq 'application/xml') { }
8 3 elsif ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ m[multipart/related.+boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?.+start=\"?\]+)\>?\"?]) { }
580 1 0 if $content_length > 0
598 12 120 if (not $is_xforms and defined $initializer)
599 0 12 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer, 'CGI'))
603 1 11 if (ref $initializer and ref $initializer eq 'HASH')
610 4 7 if (defined $fh and $fh ne '')
613 1 8 if $line =~ /^=$/
617 4 0 if (join($", @lines) =~ /=/) { }
626 0 7 if ref $initializer eq 'SCALAR'
634 28 92 if ($is_xforms or $meth =~ /^(GET|HEAD|DELETE)$/)
636 9 19 if $is_xforms
641 8 78 if ($meth eq 'POST' or $meth eq 'PUT' or $meth eq 'PATCH')
642 13 1 if ($content_length > 0)
643 6 7 if ($PUTDATA_UPLOAD || $self->{'.upload_hook'} and not $is_xforms and $meth eq 'POST' || $meth eq 'PUT' || $meth eq 'PATCH' and defined $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} and not $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ m[^application/x-www-form-urlencoded] and not $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ m[^multipart/form-data]) { }
667 75 3 if ($DEBUG)
671 0 75 if (defined $cmdline_ret->{'subpath'})
679 3 2 if (not $is_xforms and $meth eq 'POST' || $meth eq 'PUT' || $meth eq 'PATCH' and defined $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} and not $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ m[^application/x-www-form-urlencoded] and not $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ m[^multipart/form-data])
692 39 95 if (defined $query_string and length $query_string)
693 34 5 if ($query_string =~ /[&=;]/) { }
703 0 134 if ($self->param('.defaults'))
717 122 12 unless defined $initializer
724 0 36 if ($MOD_PERL)
726 0 0 if (not $query_string and $MOD_PERL == 2)
729 0 0 if (my $prev = $self->r->prev)
736 21 15 if defined $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}
738 16 20 unless ($query_string)
744 10 50 if defined $ENV{"${key}QUERY_STRING"}
745 10 50 if $query_string
756 0 13 unless $thingy
757 5 8 if UNIVERSAL::isa($thingy, 'GLOB')
758 0 8 if UNIVERSAL::isa($thingy, 'FileHandle')
759 7 1 unless (ref $thingy)
762 0 14 $thingy =~ /[\':]/ ? :
763 0 14 if defined fileno $tmp
784 0 0 if defined $err
795 0 61 unless defined $_
800 106 9 unless $self->{'.tmpfiles'}
809 0 82 unless defined $param
810 0 82 if $NO_UNDEF_PARAMS and not defined $value
811 0 82 unless defined $value
821 0 164 unless defined $param
823 130 34 unless defined $self->{'param'}{$param}
828 82 360 unless defined $self and $self->{'.parameters'}
829 164 196 unless @{$self->{'.parameters'};}
835 0 2 unless defined $_[1] and ref $_[1] and defined fileno $_[1]
886 245 516 if (ref $a and ref $a eq 'HASH') { }
888 245 0 if @attr
890 286 230 if defined $a
895 183 578 if ($tagname =~ /start_(\w+)/i) { }
137 441 elsif ($tagname =~ /end_(\w+)/i) { }
900 188 0 $XHTML ? :
188 253 unless @rest
903 2 251 ref $rest[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
911 19 10 unless $value
912 10 0 $XHTML ? :
918 20 22 unless $value
919 21 1 $XHTML ? :
932 0 92 if (/^[:-]any$/)
938 0 92 if /^[:-]unique_headers$/
939 0 92 if /^[:-]nph$/
940 0 92 if /^[:-]nosticky$/
941 4 88 if /^[:-]no_?[Dd]ebug$/
942 0 88 if /^[:-][Dd]ebug$/
943 0 88 if /^[:-]newstyle_urls$/
944 3 85 if /^[:-](?:putdata_upload|postdata_upload|patchdata_upload)$/
945 0 85 if /^[:-]utf8$/
946 0 85 if /^[:-]xhtml$/
947 1 84 if /^[:-]no_?xhtml$/
948 0 84 if /^[:-]oldstyle_urls$/
949 1 83 if /^[:-]tabindex$/
950 0 83 if /^[:-]close_upload_files$/
951 0 83 if /^[:-]no_undef_params$/
963 176 178 if defined $charset
969 12 0 if defined $new_value
976 12 78 if defined $new_value
978 51 39 unless $TABINDEX or defined $new_value
1010 0 6 if ($DISABLE_UPLOADS)
1026 0 6 $OS eq 'WINDOWS' ? :
1036 0 6 if $needs_binmode and defined fileno $filehandle
1059 0 6 if ($bytesRead <= 0) { }
1065 3 3 if (defined $self->{'.upload_hook'})
1070 6 0 if $self->{'use_tempfile'}
1082 0 6 if $needs_binmode
1116 0 53 $MOD_PERL ? :
1127 0 273 ref $names[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1145 0 0 unless defined $namespace
1146 0 0 if \%{"${namespace}::";} == \%main::main::
1147 0 0 if ($delete or $MOD_PERL or exists $ENV{'FCGI_ROLE'})
1176 0 3 if @values
1177 3 0 defined $self->{'param'}{'keywords'} ? :
1187 0 4 if wantarray
1195 1 0 if (@_) { }
1223 1 0 wantarray ? :
1245 4 1 if (ref $arg and UNIVERSAL::isa($arg, 'CGI'))
1255 1 18 defined $vals && index($vals, "\000") != -1 ? :
1260 0 37 if $_[1] eq 'CGI'
1261 15 22 unless defined $_[0]->param($_[1])
1296 0 0 ref $value ? :
0 0 defined $value ? :
1297 0 0 if (@values)
1347 0 17 unless exists $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}
1348 15 2 unless (exists $self->{'.url_param'})
1350 13 2 if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /=/) { }
1355 10 30 unless defined $param
1362 1 1 if @keywords
1365 5 12 unless defined $name
1366 0 12 unless $self->{'.url_param'}{$name}
1368 1 11 wantarray ? :
1379 1 2 unless $self->param
1418 3 1 if length $escaped_param or length $value
1455 4 2 unless ($boundary)
1485 2 2 if ($charset) { }
1495 0 0 unless my($header, $value) = /([^ \r\n\t=]+)=\"?(.+?)\"?$/
1532 0 37 if $self->{'.header_printed'}++ and $HEADERS_ONCE
1543 6 85 ref $cookie eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1544 11 85 UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'CGI::Cookie') ? :
1545 15 81 if defined $cs and $cs ne ''
1547 2 89 if ref $p3p eq 'ARRAY'
1551 153 585 if (defined $header)
1558 9 144 if ($header =~ /$CRLF|\015|\012/)
1560 0 9 if length $header > 72
1568 28 54 unless defined $type
1577 0 10 unless my($header, $value) = /([^ \r\n\t=]+)=\"?(.+?)\"?$/s
1581 45 8 if $type ne '' and not $type =~ /\bcharset\b/ and defined $charset and $charset ne ''
1589 5 77 if $nph
1590 5 77 if $nph
1592 10 72 if $status
1593 1 81 if $target
1594 2 80 if $p3p
1600 0 82 if $expires
1602 14 68 if $expires or $cookie or $nph
1603 0 82 if $self->cache
1604 1 81 if $attachment
1606 76 6 if $type ne ''
1608 0 82 if ($MOD_PERL >= 1 and not $nph)
1621 82 0 unless $new_value
1622 0 82 if ($new_value ne '')
1636 10 0 unless defined $status
1644 0 10 if $target
1647 2 8 if $cookie
1680 12 0 unless defined $encoding
1684 5 7 if ($dtd) { }
1685 0 5 if (defined ref $dtd and ref $dtd eq 'ARRAY') { }
1686 0 0 unless $dtd->[0] =~ m[^-//]
1688 0 5 unless $dtd =~ m[^-//]
1691 7 0 $XHTML ? :
1694 7 5 if ref $dtd eq 'ARRAY' and $dtd->[0] =~ /\bXHTML\b/i
1695 0 12 if ref $dtd eq '' and $dtd =~ /\bXHTML\b/i
1696 0 12 if $xml_dtd and $declare_xml
1698 7 5 if (ref $dtd and ref $dtd eq 'ARRAY') { }
1712 4 8 if ($DTD_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER =~ /[^X]HTML (2\.0|3\.2|4\.01?)/i) { }
1713 0 4 unless defined $lang
1717 7 1 unless defined $lang
1720 12 0 $lang ne '' ? :
1721 6 2 if $XHTML and $encoding and not $declare_xml
1724 4 0 $lang ? :
8 4 $XHTML ? :
1727 0 12 if (defined $author)
1728 0 0 $XHTML ? :
1732 0 12 if ($base or $xbase or $target)
1734 0 0 $target ? :
1735 0 0 $XHTML ? :
1738 2 0 if ($meta and ref $meta and ref $meta eq 'HASH')
1739 11 0 $XHTML ? :
1744 0 12 if ($head)
1745 0 0 if (ref $head) { }
1747 0 0 if grep {/http-equiv=["']Content-Type/i;} @$head
1751 0 0 if $head =~ /http-equiv=["']Content-Type/i
1756 0 12 if defined $style
1757 1 11 if defined $script
1758 6 6 if defined $meta_bits and not $meta_bits_set
1761 0 12 if $noscript
1767 0 12 @other ? :
1783 1 0 $XHTML ? :
1784 1 0 $XHTML ? :
1786 0 1 ref $style eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1790 0 1 if (ref $s) { }
1791 0 0 ref $s eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1795 0 0 defined $stype ? :
1796 0 0 $alternate ? :
1797 0 0 if @other
1799 0 0 if (ref $src eq 'ARRAY') { }
1803 0 0 $XHTML ? :
0 0 if $src
1809 0 0 $XHTML ? :
0 0 if $src
1813 0 0 if ($verbatim)
1814 0 0 ref $verbatim eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1817 0 0 if ($code)
1818 0 0 ref $code eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1824 1 0 $XHTML ? :
1835 1 0 ref $script eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1838 1 0 if (ref $script) { }
1839 0 1 ref $script eq 'ARRAY' ? :
1844 0 1 unless ($type =~ m[\w+/\w+])
1853 0 1 if $type =~ /perl|tcl/i
1854 0 1 if $type =~ /vbscript/i
1857 1 0 if ($XHTML) { }
1866 1 0 if $src
1868 1 0 if $src and $charset
1869 0 1 if defined $code
1896 0 0 if $action
1897 0 0 @other ? :
1898 0 0 $XHTML ? :
1915 7 5 if ($XHTML) { }
1921 12 0 if (defined $action) { }
1928 3 9 @other ? :
1936 0 4 if (defined $p[0] and substr($p[0], 0, 1) eq '-') { }
1950 0 1 if ($NOSTICKY) { }
1951 0 0 wantarray ? :
1953 0 1 if (my(@fields) = $self->get_fields) { }
1954 0 0 wantarray ? :
1973 4 2 defined $self->param($name) ? :
2 6 $override ? :
1976 8 0 defined $current ? :
1977 6 2 defined $name ? :
1978 0 8 defined $size ? :
1979 0 8 defined $maxlength ? :
1980 2 6 @other ? :
1983 8 0 $current ne '' ? :
1985 8 0 $XHTML ? :
2048 0 2 defined $self->param($name) ? :
0 2 $override ? :
2051 2 0 defined $name ? :
2052 2 0 defined $current ? :
2053 2 0 $rows ? :
2054 2 0 $cols ? :
2055 1 1 @other ? :
2083 3 1 if $label
2086 3 1 if $value
2087 1 3 if $script
2088 1 3 @other ? :
2090 4 0 $XHTML ? :
2111 0 7 $NOSTICKY ? :
2112 5 2 if defined $label
2113 5 2 defined $value ? :
2115 5 2 if defined $value
2117 1 6 @other ? :
2118 7 0 $XHTML ? :
2135 0 0 if defined $label
2136 0 0 defined $value ? :
2138 0 0 if defined $value
2139 0 0 @other ? :
2141 0 0 $XHTML ? :
2164 0 0 @other ? :
2166 0 0 $XHTML ? :
2197 9 0 defined $value ? :
2199 6 3 if (not $override and $self->{'.fieldnames'}{$name} || defined $self->param($name)) { }
2201 2 4 grep(($_ eq $value), $self->param($name)) ? :
2205 7 2 defined $label ? :
2209 1 8 @other ? :
2212 9 0 $XHTML ? :
2221 1 250 if @_ == 1 and $_[0] eq 'CGI'
2223 0 251 unless defined $toencode
2225 87 164 if $encode_entities and $newlinestoo
2233 0 105 if @_ == 1 and $_[0] eq 'CGI'
2235 10 95 unless defined $string
2242 0 1 $rowheaders ? :
2243 0 1 $colheaders ? :
2246 1 0 if (defined $columns)
2247 0 1 unless defined $rows
2249 1 0 if (defined $rows)
2250 0 1 unless defined $columns
2256 0 1 if @colheaders and @rowheaders
2257 0 1 if @colheaders
2263 0 2 if @rowheaders
2265 4 0 if defined $elements[$column * $rows + $row]
2342 1 12 if $box_type eq 'radio' and not %checked
2347 0 13 if ($TABINDEX and $tabindex)
2348 0 0 if (not ref $tabindex) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $tabindex eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $tabindex eq 'HASH') { }
2356 13 0 unless %tabs
2357 2 11 @other ? :
2368 1 36 if ($disabled{$_})
2373 12 25 $box_type eq 'radio' ? :
2375 4 33 if ($linebreak) { }
2376 4 0 $XHTML ? :
2382 37 0 unless (defined $nolabels and $nolabels)
2384 2 35 if defined $labels and defined $labels->{$_}
2386 1 36 if $disabled{$_}
2392 34 3 if ($XHTML) { }
2401 0 12 wantarray ? :
12 1 unless defined $columns or defined $rows
2428 0 8 if (not $override and defined $self->param($name)) { }
7 1 elsif (defined $default) { }
2431 0 7 ref $default eq 'ARRAY' ? :
2439 2 6 @other ? :
2444 1 7 unless defined $name
2447 3 19 if (/
2449 11 0 $XHTML ? :
2460 6 13 if defined $labels and defined $labels->{$_}
2500 1 2 @other ? :
2505 0 5 if (/
2507 0 0 $XHTML ? :
2508 0 0 if defined $selected
2515 0 5 if defined $labels and defined $labels->{$_}
2518 0 0 $novals ? :
0 5 $novals ? :
0 5 $labeled ? :
2561 1 2 $multiple ? :
2562 3 0 $size ? :
2563 1 2 @other ? :
2569 1 10 if (/
2571 4 0 $XHTML ? :
2582 3 7 if defined $labels and defined $labels->{$_}
2613 5 2 if (ref $p[0] or substr($p[0], 0, 1) eq '-') { }
2614 4 1 ref $default ? :
2618 5 1 if defined $_
2625 0 7 if not $do_override and @prev
2629 18 0 defined $_ ? :
2630 18 0 $XHTML ? :
2633 1 6 wantarray ? :
2650 1 0 $alignment ? :
2651 1 0 @other ? :
2653 1 0 $XHTML ? :
2683 27 18 if $base or not $relative || $absolute
2684 39 6 unless defined $rewrite
2689 12 33 $query ? :
2695 22 23 $rewrite && $request_uri ? :
2697 39 6 if (defined $ENV{'PATH_INFO'})
2701 38 1 if not defined $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} or $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} ne $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}
2707 37 2 unless ($IIS)
2712 27 18 if ($full) { }
12 6 elsif ($relative) { }
6 0 elsif ($absolute) { }
2725 10 0 unless lc $protocol eq 'http' and $port == 80 or lc $protocol eq 'https' and $port == 443
2728 0 27 if $base
2737 20 25 if $path_info and defined $path
2738 8 37 if $query and $query_str ne ''
2766 0 2 unless (defined $value)
2770 0 0 unless $self->{'.cookies'}
2771 0 0 unless $name
2772 0 0 unless $self->{'.cookies'}{$name}
2773 0 0 if defined $name and $name ne ''
2777 0 2 unless defined $name and $name ne ''
2782 0 2 if $domain
2783 2 0 if $path
2784 0 2 if $expires
2785 0 2 if $secure
2786 0 2 if $httponly
2787 0 2 if $max_age
2788 0 2 if $samesite
2804 1 8 unless defined $name
2806 0 8 unless (exists $self->{'param'}{$name})
2824 0 46 if (defined $info) { }
11 35 elsif (not defined $self->{'.path_info'}) { }
2825 0 0 if $info ne '' and substr($info, 0, 1) ne '/'
2871 4 18 if ($IIS) { }
8 10 elsif ($uri ne "$script_name$path_info") { }
2883 0 8 if ($uri =~ /^($script_name_pattern)($path_info_pattern)$/s)
2897 7 0 defined $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} ? :
2904 0 0 defined $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} ? :
2912 0 0 defined $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'} ? :
2919 33 34 defined $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'} ? :
2933 7 72 unless defined $value
2944 1 0 defined $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ? :
2962 0 0 defined $self->http('accept') ? :
2969 0 0 unless $type
2973 0 0 unless $search
2982 0 0 if $prefs{$search}
2986 0 0 unless /\*/
2989 0 0 if $search =~ /$pat/
3001 1 4 unless defined $match and $match and $user_agent
3018 0 0 if (defined $key)
3020 0 0 unless $self->{'.raw_cookies'}
3022 0 0 unless $self->{'.raw_cookies'}
3023 0 0 unless $self->{'.raw_cookies'}{$key}
3065 0 49 if (@p) { }
11 38 elsif (not exists $self->{'.script_name'}) { }
3104 17 11 if ($vh) { }
3131 116 2 if (defined $parameter)
3133 1 115 if ($parameter =~ /^HTTP(?:_|$)/)
3148 0 58 if (defined $parameter)
3150 0 0 if ($parameter =~ /^HTTPS(?:_|$)/)
3157 1 57 wantarray ? :
3166 0 55 if uc $self->https eq 'ON'
3167 0 55 if $self->server_port == 443
3178 0 0 defined $ENV{'REMOTE_IDENT'} ? :
3185 0 0 defined $ENV{'AUTH_TYPE'} ? :
3193 0 0 defined $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ? :
3210 1 0 if defined $param
3219 1 0 if defined $param
3235 1 0 if defined $param
3244 0 1 if (defined $param2 and defined $param) { }
0 1 elsif (defined $param) { }
3255 0 318 if @_ == 1 and $_[0] eq 'CGI'
3257 14 304 unless defined $toencode
3258 60 244 if ref $self and not $self->{'escape'}
3266 7 9 if (not $override and $self->{'.fieldnames'}{$name} || defined $self->param($name)) { }
6 3 elsif (defined $defaults and ref $defaults and ref $defaults eq 'ARRAY') { }
3273 2 1 if defined $defaults
3295 0 75 if ($DEBUG and @ARGV) { }
0 75 elsif ($DEBUG > 1) { }
3309 0 75 if (join($", @words) =~ /=/) { }
3314 0 75 if ($query_string =~ /^(.*?)\?(.*)$/)
3333 0 2 unless $buffer
3339 0 10 unless (%header)
3360 0 10 defined $header{'Content-Type'} && $header{'Content-Type'} =~ m[multipart/mixed] ? :
3368 0 10 if (!defined($filename) || $filename eq '' and not $multipart)
3381 0 10 if ($DISABLE_UPLOADS)
3387 0 10 if (!defined($filename) || $filename eq '' and $multipart)
3392 0 10 $OS eq 'WINDOWS' ? :
3402 0 10 if $needs_binmode and defined fileno $filehandle
3408 0 10 if ($multipart)
3419 0 10 if (defined $self->{'.upload_hook'})
3424 10 0 if $self->{'use_tempfile'}
3434 0 10 if $CLOSE_UPLOAD_FILES
3435 0 10 if $needs_binmode
3465 0 1 unless $buffer
3472 0 2 unless (%header)
3482 0 2 if ($param eq $start)
3497 0 2 if ($DISABLE_UPLOADS)
3503 0 2 $OS eq 'WINDOWS' ? :
3513 0 2 if $needs_binmode and defined fileno $filehandle
3520 0 2 if (defined $self->{'.upload_hook'})
3525 2 0 if $self->{'use_tempfile'}
3536 0 2 if $needs_binmode
3557 18 0 if ref $_
3558 0 16 unless @param
3559 4 12 wantarray ? :
3566 7 4 if (ref $filename)
3574 4 16 if ($filehandle eq $filename)
3585 3 16 unless defined $$filename
3593 0 27 if ref $v eq 'HASH' and not ref $$l
3594 4 23 unless defined $v
3595 0 23 unless ref $v
3596 0 23 ref $v eq 'HASH' ? :
3603 69 2 unless defined $attributes->{$element}
3649 3 0 if ($boundary) { }
3656 3 0 unless CGI::user_agent('MSIE\\s+3\\.0[12];\\s*Mac|DreamPassport')
3675 0 3 if length $boundary > $FILLUNIT
3681 3 0 unless ($boundary_read)
3684 0 3 if $self->eof
3695 0 12 if $CGI::OS eq 'VMS' or $CGI::EBCDIC
3699 12 0 if ($end = index($self->{'BUFFER'}, "$CRLF$CRLF")) >= 0
3700 0 12 if $self->{'BUFFER'} eq ''
3701 0 12 if not $ok and $self->{'LENGTH'} <= 0
3705 0 12 if $bad
3713 0 12 if ($CGI::EBCDIC)
3714 0 0 if $_DEBUG
3716 0 0 if $_DEBUG
3746 0 0 if ($CGI::EBCDIC)
3747 0 0 if $_DEBUG
3749 0 0 if $_DEBUG
3767 0 27 $CGI::EBCDIC ? :
3768 0 27 $CGI::EBCDIC ? :
3773 0 27 if $_DEBUG
3776 0 22 unless $self->{'CHUNKED'} or ($start >= 0 or $self->{'LENGTH'} > 0)
3782 15 12 if ($start == 0)
3785 3 12 if (index($self->{'BUFFER'}, $boundary_end) == 0)
3798 12 0 if ($start > 0) { }
3799 0 12 $start - 2 > $bytes ? :
3811 12 0 $bytesToReturn == $start ? :
3819 0 32 unless $self->{'CHUNKED'} or $self->{'LENGTH'}
3824 32 7 if not $self->{'CHUNKED'} and $self->{'LENGTH'} < $bytesToRead
3830 0 39 if $_DEBUG
3831 0 39 unless defined $self->{'BUFFER'}
3838 36 3 if ($bytesRead <= 0) { }
3840 0 36 if $self->{'ZERO_LOOP_COUNTER'}++ >= $SPIN_LOOP_MAX
3845 2 37 if not $self->{'CHUNKED'} and $bytesRead
3852 3 15 if length $self->{'BUFFER'} == 0 and $self->{'LENGTH'} <= 0