Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
20 0 0 if $#list < 1
32 0 0 $outfile ? :
94 0 0 if ($$fh{'show'} ne 'off')
122 0 0 if (defined $$break{'total'})
150 0 0 if ($self_break eq '_break')
160 0 0 if defined $$fld{'depends'} and not eval $self->make_text($rec, $$fld{'depends'})
162 0 0 defined $$fld{'function'} ? :
166 0 0 if $text
184 0 0 if defined $$fld{'depends'} and not eval $self->make_text($rec, $$fld{'depends'})
188 0 0 defined $$fld{'function'} ? :
192 0 0 if $text
200 0 0 if $_
209 0 0 if lc $$_{'fieldtype'} eq 'textarray'
219 0 0 if (defined $$self{'report'}{'breaks'}{$break}{'total'})
235 0 0 if ($last and not $break eq '_page' or $self_break ne $rec_break)
240 0 0 if $brk
251 0 0 if $first and $break ne '_total' and $break ne '_page' or $self_break ne $rec_break
264 0 0 unless $first
265 0 0 unless $last
266 0 0 if not $last