Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 16 49 32.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
467 0 4 ref $self->{'mocked'} eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @{$self->{'mocked'};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
293 0 0 1 $ret->{'return'}{'returnString'} && $ret->{'return'}{'returnString'} eq 'OK'
297 0 1 0 exists $ret->{'response'} and ref $ret->{'response'} ne 'ARRAY'
318 0 0 5 $content->{'vindicia_nvp'} and ref $content->{'vindicia_nvp'} eq 'HASH'
356 0 0 1 $ret->{'return'}{'returnString'} && $ret->{'return'}{'returnString'} eq 'OK'
360 1 0 0 exists $ret->{'transactions'} and ref $ret->{'transactions'} ne 'ARRAY'
415 0 0 1 $ret->{'return'}{'returnString'} && $ret->{'return'}{'returnString'} eq 'OK'
419 1 0 0 exists $ret->{'response'} and ref $ret->{'response'} ne 'ARRAY'
518 0 0 0 ref $resp->{$t} eq 'HASH' and exists $resp->{$t}{'content'} || exists $resp->{$t}{'xmlns'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
229 0 0 $self->{'test_transaction'} || 0
316 0 5 $content->{'currency'} || 'USD'
354 1 0 $content{'page'} // 0
1 0 $content{'page_size'} // 100
486 0 0 eval { do { Deparse error: Bizarre copy of CODE in list assignment at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.24.1/B/ line 4027. {$action . 'Response'} } } || {}
576 8 0 $ptr->{'password'} || ''
680 4 0 $Business::OnlinePayment::Vindicia::Select::common_mock->{$action}{$label} || die('Mock label not found, label: ' . $label . "\n")

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
235 0 0 2 lc $testMode eq 'sandbox' or lc $testMode eq 'test'
0 1 1 lc $testMode eq 'sandbox' or lc $testMode eq 'test' or $testMode eq '1'
518 0 0 0 exists $resp->{$t}{'content'} || exists $resp->{$t}{'xmlns'}