Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 9 120 7.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
379 0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA() and $CardBrand ne AMEX()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA() and $CardBrand ne AMEX() and $CardBrand ne DINERS()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA() and $CardBrand ne AMEX() and $CardBrand ne DINERS() and $CardBrand ne EUROCARD()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA() and $CardBrand ne AMEX() and $CardBrand ne DINERS() and $CardBrand ne EUROCARD() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_1()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA() and $CardBrand ne AMEX() and $CardBrand ne DINERS() and $CardBrand ne EUROCARD() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_1() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_2()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA() and $CardBrand ne AMEX() and $CardBrand ne DINERS() and $CardBrand ne EUROCARD() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_1() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_2() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_3()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA() and $CardBrand ne AMEX() and $CardBrand ne DINERS() and $CardBrand ne EUROCARD() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_1() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_2() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_3() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_4()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA() and $CardBrand ne AMEX() and $CardBrand ne DINERS() and $CardBrand ne EUROCARD() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_1() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_2() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_3() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_4() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_5()
0 0 0 $CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA() and $CardBrand ne AMEX() and $CardBrand ne DINERS() and $CardBrand ne EUROCARD() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_1() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_2() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_3() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_4() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_5() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_6()

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
190 0 0 4 length $ccNo < 13 or length $ccNo > 19
248 0 0 4 $iExpireMonth < 1 or $iExpireMonth > 12
306 3 1 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH()
4 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE()
1 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT() or $chargeType eq QUERY_CREDIT()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT() or $chargeType eq QUERY_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CLOSE_ORDER()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT() or $chargeType eq QUERY_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CLOSE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CANCEL_ORDER()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT() or $chargeType eq QUERY_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CLOSE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CANCEL_ORDER() or $chargeType eq VOID_AUTH()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT() or $chargeType eq QUERY_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CLOSE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CANCEL_ORDER() or $chargeType eq VOID_AUTH() or $chargeType eq VOID_CAPTURE()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT() or $chargeType eq QUERY_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CLOSE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CANCEL_ORDER() or $chargeType eq VOID_AUTH() or $chargeType eq VOID_CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID_CREDIT()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT() or $chargeType eq QUERY_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CLOSE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CANCEL_ORDER() or $chargeType eq VOID_AUTH() or $chargeType eq VOID_CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CREATE_ORDER()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT() or $chargeType eq QUERY_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CLOSE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CANCEL_ORDER() or $chargeType eq VOID_AUTH() or $chargeType eq VOID_CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CREATE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CREDIT()
0 0 0 $chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT() or $chargeType eq QUERY_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CLOSE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CANCEL_ORDER() or $chargeType eq VOID_AUTH() or $chargeType eq VOID_CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CREATE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CREDIT() or $chargeType eq ADJUSTMENT()
374 0 0 0 not defined $CardBrand or $CardBrand eq ''
1383 0 4 0 $industry eq DIRECT_MARKETING() or $industry eq RETAIL()
4 0 0 $industry eq DIRECT_MARKETING() or $industry eq RETAIL() or $industry eq LODGING()
4 0 0 $industry eq DIRECT_MARKETING() or $industry eq RETAIL() or $industry eq LODGING() or $industry eq RESTAURANT()
1467 0 0 0 $serviceEndDay < 1 or $serviceEndDay > 31
1499 0 0 0 $serviceEndMonth < 1 or $serviceEndMonth > 12
1530 0 0 0 $serviceEndYear < 2005 or $serviceEndYear > 9999
1562 0 0 0 $serviceStartDay < 1 or $serviceStartDay > 31
1594 0 0 0 $serviceStartMonth < 1 or $serviceStartMonth > 12
1625 0 0 0 $serviceStartYear < 2005 or $serviceStartYear > 9999